Well, I'm officially going to college starting on Monday. ^____^ *fake, cheesy grin* Nah, I kid you guys, it's not so bad. My schedule looks like this:
- 8:10-9:00 French
- 9:10-10:00 Japanese
- 10:00-11:00 -BREAK-
- 11:10-12:00 Math
- 12:00-1:00 -BREAK-
- 1:10-2:00 Japanese Culture
- 8:10-9:00 French
- 9:10-10:00 Japanese
Wednesday and Friday are the same as Monday.
Thursday is the same as Tuesday.
YAY! Short days! I'm going to get a part-time job in the afternoon, I think. WISH ME LUCK! I'm going job huntin' today!!!
Anyhoo, yeah. I think it'll be easier than everyone seems to say it is. Some say college is hard, others say it's easy. I guess I'll float in the middle, since that's the way it was in high school for me. And, to make things BETTER, ALL my classes are in the same building! XD It's great because there's, like, 30 buildings on campus. :3 I'm lucky. I don't gotta walk outside in the cold to class, unless I go to get lunch... sadly, my building doesn't have a food-place. I'll have to bring my own sugar in case my blood sugars get low. Oh well, that's easy enough. And, the walks to the food courts aren't too long. I'll live. *likes the cold*
I spent my day yesterday with my b/f again... now, I'm thinking I should put some time in with my friends and family... But, I've had 20 years with my family! I want to be independent now... Meh. I think I'll go visit Angelo today... though, he HAS been busy lately with Tiffany and all that.
Well, I'm off guys. I've been practicing drawing girls in my spare time, there might be some pics up soon... we'll see. I'm not that confident in my abilities... <_<;
Thanks for reading, guys! I miss youuuuu~!