
A Random thing I decided to write... it literally came as I wrote it. XD COMMENTS PLZ!!

Where... am I...?

The boy reached his hands out forward, they hit something hard and smooth. Stone.

It was pitch dark, and he felt cold, hard, smooth stone all around him.

I'm... in a stone box? A seal?! How did I end up... here?

A sliver of light appeared, as if something beyond the perimeter of the box had moved and unblocked outside light... a cloud shifting perhaps? His fingers found the edge of the lid, groping for the light, and pulled.
The lid slid open and cool, fresh air filled his lungs. It stung slightly, but it felt wonderful.

The boy looked around, peeking from the side of his box, "What the...?"

He was in the middle of an empty park, it seemed. Oak trees lined a little pathway that wound around it, in between hills and groupings of many types of flowers. The grass was a beautiful emerald green and the boy could hear the wind singing in the treetops.
But, it was still eerily still, too quiet, too heavy.

Carefully, the boy stepped from the box and looked around. He was wearing a black hakama and black gi, the sleeves fluttered lightly in the breeze. He patted his pockets and found a piece of paper inside and pulled it out. It felt like old parchment and, as he unfolded it, he realized it was worn as if it'd been folded and unfolded many times over. Looked at many times in the past.

There was just one word written on the parchement: しろ
White...? Why is it not spelled in Kanji? He blinked a couple of more times, Perhaps there is someone nearby who can help explain...

Ahead, he spotted a pond. Ducks swam leisurely across it's placid surface, inviting him forward. He raced towards it and plopped down on the bank next to the water, peering over the edge. The boy suddenly gasped as he saw his reflection.

His hair was black as night and his eyes shown brilliantly in multicolor, like the reflection of the rainbow. He stared for a moment, "That's me..." and his eyes squinted shut, deep in thought, "My name is... my name is... my name...!" they opened back up, a wonderful spectrum of golds, pinks, purples, and greens. But, his eyes were blank in thought, "I can't remember... who I am...?"

The boy lifted his eyes to the clear blue sky, "Who am I?"
