Last few nights I've been having many nightmares that revolve around things that (obviously) scare me: zombies and demons!
Last night, I had one that there was an old man laying in his deathbed, then his grandson crawled in bed with him and whispered in his ear, "I'm Satan!" then, he grabbed my arm! DX I was so freaked!!! DDDDX
And, one where I was a little kid and I kept running into spider webs while trying to find my friends, and I was freaking out because of the spiders and AAAAAAH!
And, later there was one where my gramma and I were, like, entering a secret tunnel to find a "bad guy" then, he disappeared. Suddenly, my gramma was gone, but my boyfriend was there instead and demons with pigs for head came at us with spears! DX Then, two of them morphed into old friends-gone-enemies from a couple years ago and they were talking to us. Eventually, I got annoyed and grabbed the Shuriken they were gonna throw at me, even though they cut my hands, and threw them back! DX The F*CK?!
And, this was all last night.
The night before was all zombies and banshees screaming at me and chasing me into a lake to drown... *shudder*
Is there a way to sleep and not have nightmares? I think it's because I get too hot at night. I was told sleeping in the cold helps... what do you guys suggest?
I'll come back for feedback tonight, I've got work.
In other news, my new friend TheJenMonster, burned me some AWESOME Hetalia CDs! I fell IN LOVE with Germany's and Japan's singing voices! X3
However, the CD is stuck in my CD Player in my car and now I can't listen to it or anything... *sigh* and, I hate regular radio to drive to... oh well. I'll keep trying to get it out. DX
Also, I left the b/f's house last night and he seemed a little depressed. I feel like it was my fault.
We were cuddling and watching 300 (not the greatest movie, IMHO) and I was feeling completely innocent. Then, he said, "Dammit, I'm getting horny again..." So, I said, "Well, fight it. You don't seem like you want to be like that." Then, he replied, "It's kinda hard to fight, I have a hard time saying 'no' to you." and I answered, "Then, think of it as a test. We'll see if you and I can cuddle here and you not get all horny on me."
Of course, he did end up getting... aroused. But, we didn't do anything about it, I just wasn't in THAT mood (a rarity for me, to be honest -_-;). So, he felt like he had failed. And, that depressed him. And, then I felt like it was MY fault for saying anything in the first place! DX
Ugh... last night was... Uff...
I'm so tired right now... maybe I can do an art piece again tonight, I've been wanting to do more art recently. Maybe...
Talk to you all later. Luv ya!