[Rant warning: if you don't wanna listen to me rant, that's ok. You don't have to. Just turn around and go back to your backroom. This is for my own good, it is up to your own discretion of you want to read this...]
Well, remember how last Friday, my car basically died on me? It's fine, turns out the gas station had bad gas that morning when I filled up. So, it caused the pistons to not fire properly or something... in any case, it's running just fine now. ^_^
However, that night, my mother had to take my friend home (TheJenMonster, here at TheO). And, I like my friend, I really do. She's fun to talk with and understands my Otakuness (since she is one as well!). And, on the way back to her house, we got on the subject of which kinds of music we like and want to listen to. I mentioned the "There She Is!" series on youtube and she said she wanted to introduce me to a Korean band called Epic High (sp? I dunno much about 'em) and I was all like, "Sure! I'd love to~!" because, I'm a foreign language NUT like that. XD So, she and I were talking about Korea and its' music, and the character Korea from Hetalia and it was nice fun!
So, we got her home, dropped her off, and my mom started to drive us back to pick up my car at Arby's (we'd left my dad there to look it over from problems).
Anyhoo, my mom was like, "My GAWD, why do you have to talk about KOREANS?!"
Now, that confused me. Mom knows I'm basically a Japanophile/ Franceophile-OMG-I-LOVE-ANYTHING-THAT'S-FOREIGN kind of person. And, she goes off on how annoying it is that we're talking about Koreans?
I dunno, it kinda hurt. I have a few Korean friends, both here at TheO and in real life from high school.
See, my mom is racist against Koreans because my dad cheated on her with one while he was in Korea (he's in the military) back when I wasn't even ONE year old yet. Umm... that was over TWENTY YEARS AGO!!!
And, I hate them both for that. It was just that ONE Korean that got involved, not the whole country. She shouldn't hate an entire country based on something ONE individual did. I just find that unfair and completely moronic, idiotic, and immature.
Another thing is that she took my dad BACK after that fiasco. No, if someone cheats on you, it should be OVER. Now, my dad probably has had the thought of, "Oh, I cheated, but my wife stayed with me and I got away with it" stuck in his mind. And, I can bet you he's cheated since then as well, or will in the future. Cheaters who cheat and get away with it like him, ALWAYS cheat again. >.<
I mean, c'mon! If you sneak a cookie from the cookie jar and get away with it, aren't you going to try again and again until you're caught? And, even if you're caught, might you even try AGAIN?!
It's just a very frustrating thing for me to cope with.
Then, there's work.
I worked my ASS off yesterday, and we were somehow STILL behind. But, Dan said it was okay. He doesn't know what happened either, since I was working even faster than normal. I was told he was at least a little proud of me. I still feel like I let him down though.
We're just TERRIBLY understaffed in the kitchen. Most of the time, there's three, MAYBE four people working in there: The cook, the dishwasher, and kitchen helper(s). Yesterday, it was the cook, Dan the dishwasher, and me... I had to bus ALL the tables, clean them all and set 'em all and... ugh... I mean, it's what I've BEEN doing but... It just seemed more overwhelming yesterday.
It also didn't help that I had at least two, if not THREE, insulin reactions (extremely low blood sugars) during shift yesterday. But, I ate half a chocolate bar and powered through it, which was a STUPID tactic. I was sore tired and sore by the end of the day yesterday.
I'm still sore today, but not as bad. My back is feeling a bit better after laying on the heating pad all night. *sigh*
Okies... I'd better go before this gets too long. I'm sorry for making your eyes bleed! TT^TT
Here's my currently favorite song for you to enjoy. ^_^
Hetalia's England singing Pub and GO!