I think I gave my boyfriend that sickness I had last weekend that sent me to the ER! @^@;
I went ALLLL the way out to his house only to be told, "No, I think you should go home, hon. I don't know if this is the same thing you had or not. I think we should play it safe and you should stay away."
*cries in a corner*
I can't function, I'm so worried for him! TT^TT
I've realized that when the person I care about most is sick, I get reckless. Especially driving home, I was all, "I can be careless. My boyfriend is sick! That's more important! I don't care!"
Then, I realized that my current thoughts were irrational and I needed to change them. I had to stay okay, it wouldn't be good if he were sick AND worried about me when I'm already worried about him! @^@;
I was being selfish, too. I just wanna be with him, that's all...
*sigh* I'm home now... probably gonna go draw, or something...
(Sorry about posting TWICE in one day... uff.)