Oh, I give up

No, really...

For starters, I FAILED the last quiz I had in Japanese. Of course, it was over the ONE grammar point that I just can't get, The /Te/-form of verbs... ugh.
But, I'll practice on it and do better next time. It happened early on in the semester, so I can bring that up easy.

My boyfriend is also sick with what I had last weekend. Only, his case is milder. He's yet to get physically ill, but his stomach's in knots and he's nauseous. I hope he gets better soon. He said he felt better today as compared to yesterday, but he still stayed home from school. I went to his house after school for a few hours to dote on him. :P

OH! Another thing.
I'm getting kinda... fed up with the art here on TheOtaku. It's just a popularity contest and, let's face it, TheDarkAngel just isn't as popular as he could be.
But, I'm not here asking for popularity, that's NOT something I want. I HATE being popular, because then everyone else is envious, y'know?
No, what I want is recognition and I haven't gotten as much as I used to. >(

MY GAWD, I used to put up an art piece and I'd get almost instant feedback, and it was CONSTRUCTIVE criticism!
But, lately, all I get is 2 or 3 little comments on something I spent upwards of 5 to 10 hours on. And, the comments are little things, like, "Oh, too cute!" or "I like such-and-such" or "This, that, and the other is off..."
NO REALLY?!?!?! Well, if it's off, why don't you SUGGEST a way for me to fix it?!
To me, that's like saying, "Hey, the cat knocked over the pot in the kitchen and it shattered all over the floor." Well, okay, then, PICK UP THE PIECES! Don't just tell me, DO something about it! DX
Then, someone else came in, "Oh, that cat was cute! Yeah, I liked it's eyes!"


Maybe I should do more fanart?
Screw that. I HATE doing fan art, unless it's a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing. But, it's rare, OKAY?!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have about 3 chapters to read for Japanese Religions tomorrow, ON TOP of all my other HOMEWORK.

And, I'm too stressed and tired to give two shits about what everyone thinks of this post! GOOD NIGHT!
*storms off*
