Dead Tired...

First off, thanks everyone who left me such charming and inspirational words on my last journal entry.
Things have gotten better since then, and no one was hurt. SO, all is well!

Secondly, thanks to all of you guys who looked at, faved, and/or commented on my two newest art pieces~! It really helped me feel good about my skills and I wish I could do something special for you all.
I guess I should FINISH some art, huh? *Keeps posting WIPs*
But, thanks, guys. I truly appreciate it. ^_^

Let's see...
Thursday was the b/f's birthday. ^_^ He's 19 naos~! :D That's about it. XP We just hung out for the evening.

Friday, after school, I went to hang out with a friend in Japanese class. I thought she'd like a reprieve from the dorms- so, we ran around town in Hastings and Barnes&Nobles, then we ate dinner at IHOP~! :3 That was fun! XD

Saturday, I worked.
Meh, it was... meh.
Three of the five nurses for the day didn't call in OR show up, so there was a shortage. Thus, lunch took FOREVER to get through, which made my afternoon SLOW. I got off a half hour late AND I forgot to clock back in after lunch, which I worked through. >.<
I was a little pissed since I felt that just because a few nurses didn't wanna show up to work, I got cheated and screwed. Q_Q;

Then, Angelo came over for the night. :3 That was fun.
The time change was NOT, however. Although, I can partly blame myself for this. We didn't get to sleep until after 4am, AFTER the time change. XD Then, I was up at 8:30- mostly because my body is still used to getting up at what WAS 7:30... =_= So, I got 4 hours of sleep, then went back out to the b/f's for the day to finish celebrating with him and some of our friends.
I ended up falling asleep in his bed for TWO HOURS! >3<
And, I'm STILL dead-tired!

So, I'll end this here, I think and get to bed.

Thanks for reading!
