Yesterday was a lot of fun~! I sold a ton of manga back to Hastings and got $45 store credit. That all went towards my $36 Tactics dvd box set. :3 I'm on disc two now (wants to rewatch the whole thing, rather than just jumping to the part I haven't seen yet). I also bought three books I've been searching for 5 or so years for. I first read The Great Tree of Avalon in high school, but never got to finish the three-part book series. So, I bought it all in paperback. Over all, the total would've been $60, but thanks to the store credit, I only paid $15~! XDDD
Anyhoo, I has work today... again... TT^TT I dun wanna... *wants to sleep, then get up and watch Tactics some more* The anime is WAY more dark and serious than the manga, hell the storyline is completely different too. But, I still think Kantarou is the cutest anime character EVAR (right next to Edward Elric and Hanatarou. XDDDD)
I've also realized that I REALLY need to sit down one of these days and clean out my PM box. It's got over 1,000 messages in it and most of 'em are birthday alerts for people I don't talk to or hear from anymore... :/
Well, I'm off for now.
See ya~!