Heart still intact. n_n

Let's face it, I can't stay mad at him...

Everyone's advice was great, I really took a lot of it to heart. I'll definitely be more open about my thoughts and expressions, I just hope he will too.

The romantic in me was easily swayed. I had my headphones on, player was on shuffle, and out of the 200+ songs I own, the song that we labeled as "our song" came on three times whenever I tried to think of a negative thing about him... I'm taking that as a sign from the gods and will resolve to sort things out. ^_^

Besides, I really need the stability.
Work is finally taking its' toll on me. I came close to tears twice today because of another worker and almost walked out. It was Matt's last day, and he kept telling me to quit, to walk out, or to put in two weeks notice. It almost felt like he was saying, "If you don't quit, I'll do it for you" but I think I'll try to keep going a little longer. My manager comes back from his month and a half long vacation tomorrow, maybe things will get better.
I'm not counting on it, though...
The guy who came to "help us out" was just a pain in the ass and tried to order us around. He started on me (nearly putting me in tears) and Matt came to my rescue, wagging his finger, "Don't start that. [Yosei]'s the only one here who actually does his job right. He's the only good worker you guys have and it's unfair that he gets treated like all the shitty workers you have working with him. He doesn't deserve this abuse. Now, please leave. We all know how to do our jobs, you can't tell us otherwise, not having worked here through all that we have."
I feel awful that he's leaving. ;3; Luckily, I have his email and I hope he contacts me soon. If not, I know I'll see him around campus since he's going back to school.
Also, thanks to the pain in the ass guy, I had an insulin reaction at work and had to quit a little early to eat. We still got everything done, but I felt like crap warmed over. =_=;

After I got home, I was telling my mom about it and almost broke into tears again (I'm not afraid to cry. Admitting you have weaknesses makes you human), and she decided to take me to town, just her and me, and buy me dinner and some new stuff. ^_^
I had chicken and root beer... it was tasty. And, later we went to Shopko and I got a special drawing board, like that kind that leans up so you don't have to bend over like at a table to use it? It took me an hour or so to put it together, but I really like it. XD
I also got some chocolate. B3

My mommy loves me. BD
However, I think it's stupid to linger on the problems I outlined about my b/f yesterday. In the end, men do that. I'm different, but I have reasons for that. And, at the end of the day, I really really love him. And I know he loves me too. Especially since I didn't say a damn thing about "our song" playing, and he mentions it out of the blue, "Hey, I need to serenade you with that song again." And, no, he doesn't know about this blog. BP
That kind of made my day, since we haven't even heard that song in almost 5 or 6 months...

But, along with the drama at work, my mom told me that she's considering Marriage Counseling between her and my dad. That makes me nervous. They've always had a rocky relationship, but they've always seemed to pull through. However, in recent light, I do think it's a good idea. I won't go into details, since it's kind of personal for me, but they need it. I know that and admit to it.

But, I just hope that with school starting soon, this doesn't add to my stress load. I don't think I can handle hives again, or another kidney stone, or astigmatism...

Please, guys, if you have any good luck, can you toss some this way? ^_^ Thanks for reading and all the awesome feedback.

Love you guys!
