Yay~! My internet is back~! :D I was starting to go insane from being unable to check my emails and chat with friends and do my homework at home... XD
Updates for me:
- Got a C on my Japanese Exam (Hey, that's better than I thought I did)
- Got a B+ on my Media Arts Exam (Also better than I thought I did)
- Got a B on my Psychology tests (YAY~! No retakes~!)
- And I have an Astronomy Exam next week... @^@;
But, at least things are going alright.
Thanks for the comments last time, guys.... I appreciate hearing from you guys. I don't like being "that person" that has to ask for people to make him feel better, but I've been depressed the last few days. I haven't slept in almost a week, and now my body is in pain in various places; one of those places being the left muscle of my jaw. It hurts to open my mouth too far and makes eating solid food a... problem... but, I think it's like a pulled muscle in the shoulder. If I keep working it out, it'll get better... we'll see. *le sigh*
Okies, ttyl~!