A lot of people will think Yosei is a goody-two-shoes. Some would be right... to an extent. >3
Yesterday, I got a text from the sister saying, "Lol, what'cha doing? Lol, smoking pot? JK JK". However, when I received the text, I was at the boyfriend's house and got distracted by food and never replied.
Anyway, I got home... 15, 20 minutes ago and she randomly asks, "Do you smoke, or do drugs?"
I did a double-take, "What? No! What?! I was offered some once in high school, but I didn't take it. I didn't see the point. None of my closest friends did it and (mostly because of Angelo and his viewpoint on it after just the scent of marijuana knocked me unconscious) I already knew it would be stupid for me to try. Besides, with the diabetes and sh*t, I'm already messed up enough." And she said, "Oh..."
I asked tentatively, "Do you smoke...?"
"Yeah. I've tried it... I'll probably do it again, or start doing it regularly." was her answer.
And, here was MY reply, "Well, here's what I think. I think it's okay to do marijuana if you need it because you're in pain. So, I approve of medical uses. BUT! If you do it for recreational reasons, that's just abuse of the drug and abuse on yourself. Why do it if you don't need it?" Then, I added, "However, I can't control who you hang out with or what you do when you're not at home. So, I'll turn a blind eye as long as you NEVER bring it into our house (mostly because I don't want to vomit and pass out)."
She pretty much told me she wasn't stupid enough to bring it in and get caught with it by our parents. So, I don't have to worry about THAT. But... she'll be killing her brain-cells.
I mean, technically, one can't get addicted to marijuana. One can quit and I think the worst withdrawal is just, like, anxiety or something (I should do some research on that...). It's not like heroin or ecstasy or cocaine, but I still think it's a Gateway Drug. But, again, I can't control what she does when I'm not around.
But, this decision of hers means I'll never lend her money again. I don't know if it'll be going towards drugs or not. So, I'm going to start keeping my money in a secure place (rather than on my nightstand, since I could trust my family before).
But, I mean... she turns 16 this month. She's doing drugs and has already had sex... and she's not even 16 yet (still about a week and a half before then). I was a different kid, I never tried drugs. I did my best to be home by curfew until I'd earned the right to be out 'til whenever (got that when I was 18, lol). I waited to have sex until I was an adult and when I was with someone I WANTED to be with and whom I KNEW would want to stay with me (Yay~! On our second year now~! HUZZAH!). I mean, she's already planning to have sex with some guy she's not dating (yet), because "she knows they like each other".
Okay, "like" and "love" are two COMPLETELY different things, alright? So is, "I want to" and "I'm ready to". I wanted to have sex when I was 16. But, I wasn't ready 'til I was 19, 20. So, I waited. I was smart, I planned things out, and waited until the person I was with PROVED to me he wanted to stay with me (He constantly talks about having a house, kids and a family 3, 6, 10, 30 years from now, LOL).
So... why is she jumping the gun with all these things? Is it because she still has that adolescent brain that hasn't formed completely and still can't process consequences? Does it have something to do with hormones? Age between the two siblings and/or the way our parents raised us? I wish I knew... I mean, I wouldn't try to change anything, I just wish I knew WHY...
*sigh* Anyway... enough on the rant. You guys are probably tired of hearing about this from me. You're all probably like, "Oh, grow up, Yosei. The decisions she makes are hers, and so are the consequences."
So... why do I feel like I'm leading the sheep to slaughter...?
And, what do you guys think? Is what I said the right thing to say? Should I be more firm, or let it go and let things fall as they may? I'm not her parent. But, I'm the big brother! That's close enough, right? Every experience she's had with my parents, she's also had with me. Doesn't that make me somewhat a guardian? Somewhat responsible?
Well... whatever... I guess whatever happens, happens... Que sera, sera and Nankurunaisa...
Yosei out for now...
Thanks for all the AWESOME comments on my art, guys~! ^_^ I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in forever. College takes a lot of time, yeah? But, really, thanks. I truly appreciate every comment. And, rememeber, just because I don't reply, doesn't mean I don't read and love the comments. ^_^ Your words are what keep this artist alive! Thanks again~! *hugs*