Against Racism, Yosei is

Found this on another site on a friend's journal. Sharing it here because it made me smile and made me think, "YES! Now, I has a way to cripple teh Racists!" It's saying a lot since I AM very white... I mean, seriously I glow in the dark... that isn't a joke either. I'm being 100% true right now. =_=
Either way, I hate racists (especially having two or three in my close family) and I do NOT tolerate racism.

A white man said,
"Colore​​d people are not allowed here."

The black man turned around and stood up. He then said:
"Listen​​​ sir....when I was born I was BLACK​ "

"When I grew up I was BLACK​, "

"When I'm sick I'm BLACK​, "

"When I go in the sun I'm BLACK​, "

"When I'm cold I'm BLACK​, "

"When I die I'll be BLACK."​​ ​

"But you sir."

"When you are born you're PINK".​​

"When you grow up you're WHITE​, "

"When you're sick, you're GREEN​, "

"When you go in the sun you turn RED,​ "

"When you're cold you turn BLUE​, "

"And when you die you turn PURPLE​.

"And you have the nerve to call me colored?"​​​

The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away.

Made me smile. :3

That is all for today... nothing much going on in Yosei's life... just going to school again... mer.
Gonna see the b/f tomorrow after school (I MISS HIM!!!) >_____<

'kay, g'night~!
