Now there's some goddamn church out there saying it's GAYS faults for soldiers dying overseas? ON WHAT GROUNDS?! God doesn't hate gays! There is nothing wrong with loving someone of the same gender as you on a sexual level. NOTHING.

THIS is why I denounce religions.
Religions make it hard to live in peace, goddammit.
It kills people. It tears apart families. It creates mayhem and war.

However, I also believe that religion is culture. But, that's the only positive I've found.
Fucking hate this all.

This on top of one of the worst days I've had in a long time.

Fuck this all. I'm so pissed and depressed right now, there's just... gah!

Screw this, I'm gonna just do my damn homework and go to bed tonight.


EDIT: Check this out: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5015557
