My car broke.
I went to pick the sister up at school. I threw it in park, left it running, she got in, and then it wouldn't shift out of park.
She got her high school policeman to help. He was able to call the local mechanic shop and figure out how to fix it, but I was to take it in ASAP because, it's a Safety Issue. So, I did.
So, now...
I'm broke. (IE: have less than $100 at all)
Still job-searching.
Stressed in school.
Constantly hungry. (I'm on a low-carb diet to fix my A1C)
And now I have no car.
Fuck me.
Now, just to get to school, I have to change my sleeping habits (That's not happening fast) so mom can drive me in, or the b/f... I won't be home til SUPER late, which I hate. I hate doing homework late at night... OTL
I just feel like I'm being beaten.
On top of everything else, my sister won't clean her room, so we're afraid no one will buy our house. She says, "Who's gonna wanna buy our house anyway?"
She doesn't realize. This is prime housing. LOTS of people want to live in this town, especially on the hill here.
Fucking little bitch and her damn laziness and vanity... the only things she'd need to do is throw away some garbage and put some dirty laundry downstairs... that's, what, 3 minutes of her time? If that?
Anyway, enough of my complaints.
I have new art up. Both here, and on my DA. One of them, I won't post here... because, there is no censor... owo It's a meme.
I also finished my art project today. It's looking pretty B.A. If I can get a good pic of it next Monday, I might post it here. It's damn huge...
Enough of my shit.
Talk to you all later! Hope your day is going well.