Agh- today.
Well, the morning was alright enough. I went to the school with Angelo and ate lunch with my kohai. Tom was doing community service (all seniors are required to- we did ours last year!) and so it was a fairly quiet morning.
Now I'm at work and I just got a note. A FREAKIN' NOTE!
It said quote: ...Bread left out, muffins left out, tables not wiped down, counters in sandwich area not wiped down, items left over from afternoon were not cleared, bread for next day not pulled out. Was there someone here when you left that could have left this mess?!... end quote.
Okay, first off: I put away ALL the freakin' bread! Wanna know how I know? It kept falling out of that overstuffed 'fridge at my feet! Also, I'm sorry the muffins were left out. IT HAPPENED ONCE! Don't step on my toes for making ONE mistake, dammit!
Secondly: I KNOW I WIPED THE TABLES AND COUNTERS! I know this because another employee was here and I specifically remember moving a chair a certain way so I wouldn't bother them on the computer.
Thirdly: Yeah, those "items" left over were the previous employee's used gloves. Every single damn day, I come in here for my shift and the earlier shift has left their used gloves on the counter. It sickens me and I ALWAYS put them in the trash because of my issue with GERMS! So, unless it was some gloves that I missed, all things were put away in order the same way I ALWAYS DO THEM!
This just in. As I was writing this, my boss walked in to talk about this incident. She was wrong and it wasn't me who left the mess.
Again, as usual, Yosei was an innocent bystander pushed into the spotlight by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This has happened before so many times in my life and I have no doubt it will happen again.
Someone had come in behind me, made a sandwich, made a mocha, left EVERYTHING out and unwashed. It was not my fault and I just got an apology. So, I can stop rambling and venting now and just sit here again.
Thanks for listening, my Otaku-friends! Thanks for putting up with my venting and thanks for being here to witness this all come into the light.
See ya 'round, guys!
PS: OMIGAWD! I just got a FOUR DOLLAR tip just for letting some ladies sit in here and chat for an hour and a half! HOW COOL IS THAT? This is going into my fund to buy gifts for my kohai!! SQUEE~!!! Fate and karma shine down on me!!♥♥♥