day after christmas!

Hey guys, it's the 26th!!! Hah!

My birthday is on Sunday, the 28th! ^_^ YAY! I turn the big Two-Oh!! 20~!!
Oh, boy!!! I'm an adult! *sprays silly-string and throws confetti in the air* XD

Christmas was great! The roads sucked, but we made it home safely. My gramma was really sick, but she was still there on Wednesday and Thursday. ^_^ I was happy. I ate a lot of trail mix, nom nom nom. I think I'll use my mom's new kitchen ware to make a sugar-free cheesecake... mm, cheesecake.

I hope everyone else's holidays went great! I got new seat covers, so my ass wasn't cold when I got in my car this afternoon! d^o^b hah hah hah!

Well, time for me to go. Work beckons.
Happi Nu Yerre!!

