bored post... -_-"

Ack! I'm at work and we've had a grand total of ONE customer today! I'm so effin' BORED!!! And, the cpus here at the store are lagging today so I can't get on the chatrooms! *pulls hair out in total boredom* Ow.

Angelo is gonna make a "How to Draw" thing here for TheO. I'm helping. I give tips and tricks and he's basing it off my own style of drawing. :D It's in the rough, rough, rough stages, so I'll update when we get it ready to post. YAY! More stuff! Angelo wants to post it under MY account tho... I don't know why. I guess it'll get more traffic, or something like that. He doesn't always make sense to me.

I'll be bored at home tonight. Oh, well. Angelo's going out with Tiffany and Niko's gonna hang with them and Tom (The guy whom I trust.) and I decided I'd stay home and let them be this time. Next time, I'll tag along if I'm invited. I think I'll call my kohai-friends tonight and see if they wanna hang out, yeah... ^_^ Sounds fun! YAY! PLANS!

And, now I'm bored again.
Well, there's an update for all you guys. Hope your holidays go well. Happy new year!
My birthday is tomorrow! @_@ WHEE!

I've seen better days, better weeks, better months, better years. But, this is, by far, the worst century I've ever been in. And I'm it's generation.
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