it's just a title... jeeze!

Well, things have been going fairly well.

Niko and Tom-san are in a happy and healthy relationship. I must admit, I let them date for selfish and unselfish reasons.

Selfish: I just want to see her happy, even if it's because of someone else. I'm glad it's Tom. I feel no jealousy towards him, oddly enough (Heaven knows how pissed I was at Angelo for crushing on her last year!!! Thankfully, Tiffany was introduced... -_-").

Unselfish: Honestly, I think he needs her as much as she needs him. He used to be a life-hater, he just didn't see the point in living. The only thing keeping him from offing himself was if he'd committed suicide, he wouldn't get to return to the place his soul had come from. A true paradise. He wasn't emo, not by a long-shot. But, now he says that Niko is his reason for living. I'm glad he has that now. I'm glad I could be of some help, and I won't take that away from him. It would be wrong to give him that one thing that brings him happiness, then just take it back. I guess I just get some sick satisfaction from helping out... is it sick though? Huh. ^_^ Maybe that's the wrong word... well, anyway...

The economy PHAILS! DX Because of it, I've lost hours for work and lost money! I'm poor! Being a diabetic is expensive, you know? Time to get a second job...

Augh, well. That's my rant. Time to go! Bai-bee!

