Oh, shet~!

copied from journal entry at deviantArt:

Mood: Lazy
Listening to: nothin'...
Reading: 07-Ghost manga
Watching: nothing right now...
Playing: on the cpu
Eating: Ugh... food... *kills you for mentioning food*
Drinking: water

Ack, today could've been better. My allergies are acting up. TT^TT I've had a runny nose all day and sneezing and then there was a really weird pain under my left ribs, but it's gone now.

Anyway, my mother dragged me to town to look for new foods to help my sugars stay normal. So, we went to Costco- I hate that store. >.< I hate large crowds and I like to avoid them when possible.

At Safeway, I had a LOW blood sugar of 77- felt like crap. Thought I was going to die. I just wanted to fall asleep for a long, long, long time... luckily, my mother pointed out that I was shakey and should check my sugars. I got to eat a cookie! But, it didn't taste very good and I still feel crappy

And, then WalMart. Blargh. It was dull. I felt like sh*t. I wanted to cry.
We had to stop at the pharmacy so my dad could refill a prescription, but they were all at lunch. SO, we waited... and waited... and waited. They were due back at 2, but didn't return until about 2:15... with pizza... guess the pharmacists were partying. Mleh.

So, now I'm home, worn out and exhausted.
Think I might go sleep for a little bit, yeah...

Have a good weekend, guys!

