Yeah...! I had my first Quizno's Sub sandwich today! >_< It was so tasty and I kind of wish I'd gotten a larger sammich. But, I wanted to save room for Cold Stone ice cream (I got cheesecake flavored ice cream and some CHOCOLATE~!). So, it was still a FANTASTIC lunch~! :D

Well, yesterday was fun. I got to see LinRathCoolioFreezyMcPancakes (Linden Rathan)again yesterday on the chats! It's good to know he's doing well. ^_^

Then, Angelo and I hung out with my grandparents last night. We went to Applebee's for dinner... om nom nom. It was GOOD~! Then, he and I hung out for the rest of the evening and watched reruns of House MD. :)

I have to babysit tonight. Joy. Well, it's not so bad, I just get so hungry and bored while I'm there, you know? Oh, well. On the brightside, I get to be special tomorrow and go hang out with Tom! See, the French Exchange Students are here now and my old teacher wanted me to come to the "Welcoming Party". So, I'm gonna go and hang out with them all tomorrow and speak a lot of French and maybe work some Japanese in there. ^___^ Tom'll be there since he's a Senior this year and it's his class that's hosting the students. I graduated last summer (On 06/07/08)~!

So, that should be fun. I also got my paycheck today, but I can't cash it 'til Monday... damn banks. >_< Oh, well. I'll get paid tonight for the babysitting. Yay, pocket change! :P

Okies, well, I'm gonna go now! Hmm... Subway sammiches sound good for dinner... XD We'll see.

Happy Otakuing, have a fun weekend, guys!!!

