past lives through dreams, whut? o.O

No, really... I think that's what I dreamt about last night. A past life of mine...

It starts out that my village lived prosperously near the water. We were a fishing community and that's how we survived. Until, one day, an island in the distance blew up. It was a volcano erupting, shooting soot and ash miles into the sky.

As we knew a Tsunami was coming, everyone quickly picked up what they could and climbed up the hill that sheltered us from heavy winds and formed a natural barrier. We were able to avoid the giant wave by being on high ground, but our village was destroyed and we were forced to move.

We travelled for many many days and nights, stopping only to sleep and eat, before continuing our journey. Then, we reached a river that was waist deep and we had to cross it. But, there was a woman who had two babies who couldn't walk in the current, so I picked them up and carried them above my head across the river. We all made it across safely and continued.

Eventually, we came to a valley and set up a new village on a cliffside overlooking the valley. It was our new home.

Then, I was older, suddenly, and was out running around with a girl-friend of mine. We came across a man whom we'd never seen before. He wore a black jacket and a hat. His hair was white and he had pale skin and carried a gun.
The man pointed his gun at my girl-friend and it frightened me. I shot an arrow and it blinded him and he couldn't see where he was and fell off the cliff and died.

My village was afraid of more pale-skinned men coming, so we climbed higher and higher up the cliff until it grew dark and we could see over the whole world!

I came across a white girl with a cellphone and iPod.

I was white then, too. We spoke English and ate with forks and spoons. The girl was sad and anxious. I asked her what was wrong and she said she'd tell me when her would-be-ex-boyfriend got there. Then, she asked for my number, but I gave her a whistle instead and said, "If you want to contact me, use this. I'll come in a flurry of black feathers." and I went away.

She never did contact me.

After that, I woke up.
I kinda liked this dream... I think it had a lot of imagery in it and I wish I could interpret it all. So far, I think it's two or three past lives, perhaps... :D Man, that was just fun.
Have you ever had those dreams where things just feel so real and you wish it was?
That's what this was like. ^_^

Well, thanks for reading! I won't be here tonight as I got that job at McDonald's and they want me for Orientation tonight. ^o^ Wish me luck!

