
*sigh* I'm so exhausted. =_=

We're still sorting movies here at the movie store... there's soooo many! @_@"

I've already put forth close to 15 hours just on the sorting! I'm very tired of the color red... the section that I've been working on. See, we sort by genre and each genre is a different color... i chose red as it was easily the largest selection we have (the genre is Drama) and... I hate red now. Angelo hates yellow... he helped out... worked on Action (second largest selection) and Westerns- both of which are yellow, or golden yellow.

On top of that... I've had to wash my hands a lot because of the dust from the movies and now they're really dry and bleeding in a couple places... another by-product of diabetes... very dry hands. But, I'll just use a ton of Cetaphil tonight before bed and tomorrow morning and they should be okay... 'til work at Mickey-D's... where I'll have to wash them every hour or so... =_= then again for eight hours on both Saturday and Sunday... I hate working so much right now. I hope I rake in A LOT of money on my next paydays... I feel like I deserve it... or atleast some form of compensation... guh!!!

On the plus side, after work tomorrow (I get off at 5) I'll get to hang out with my friends! :D yay!

OH! Also, you should totally check out my new artwork. *no-shame-advertising* :'D

Also, NEW ART! Woot.
CLICK ME!--->External Image<---CLICK ME!

Okies, well, I'd better go. Thanks for reading, guys! ^____^

