As I write this, my sugars are LOW!

But, it's okay. I'm eating a buttload of carbs. :P

This is my second low today... stupid work. It really gets me moving!

They had me in "The Hole" all day. This means I just took money from the patrons in the drive-thru. BOOOOORING! And, did dishes... BOOOOOORING!

The only good thing that happened today was that two people complimented and thanked me for doing the three hours of dishes yesterday. They said no one else would've done it, but I just jumped in and did them without being asked. *shrug* I just have a serious pet-peeve of dirty dishes! XD
And, it's unfair! While I'm working, my family went up to Pablo to see my grandparents today! NO FAIR! Oh, well... I'll live.

And, why is it on Sundays that more people have to come through McDonald's? It was SO busy ALL DAY! AAAAAGH! Luckily, I was off at 4, so... I'm home now and I'm going to sleep! Okies. Thanks for reading! ^_^ bai-bee!


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