I CONFORM! random gen test

1. What is one thing yosei isn't exactly made for?
drinking a lot of liquid, then holding it for hours...

2. angelo is actually jeanine in disguise, you know.
NOWAI! Explains her strange infatuation... XD

3. In a race between you, tiffany and shiro, who would win?
Tiffany, hands down...

4. Super fun fun adventure amusement park marathon with you, emily and jeanine! How will it go?
CRAZY! At an ANIME-themed park!! WITH ICE CREAM!!!

5. Who would win in a duel, sam or shiro? And what kind of duel would they pick, anyway?
Umm... Sam would put a good fight, but Shiro would totally kick his ass. It'd be a Magic duel, as Sam is a nathraziem and Shiro is Mage and the light side ALWAYS WINS!! MUWAHAHAHAH!

6. What is or would be a good nickname for Tom?

7. What song could be jeanine's theme song?
First opening to Pokemon... XD

8. If laura played in a movie, what kind of character would they play?
Someone goofy... maybe a gremlin?

9. What was your first impression of shiro?
XD He must be gay!

10. Will inari eat those green eggs and ham?
No, he's a vegetarian... bet'cha didn't know that! X3

found here: http://mct421.deviantart.com/art/Question-Meme-Generator-69266481

HAH HAH! i'm feeling better, so i thought I'd post this. ENJOI!!! :3
