*still can't think of a title...*

Hah, woot! Thanks, everyone for all the congrats on the last post! I can't wait to get started! ^o^

Well, Tom leaves tomorrow, and since we're all too busy today to do anything, we all hung out last night. It was kinda fun. We put in The Dark Knight, but none of us watched it. We ate pizza and had soda and generally gave him a good time before leaving. It's only a month, but it'll be a long one. He doesn't like to be away from home very often, but it's a good experience he can't pass up. France will offers many great things for him.

Angelo and I shaved our legs for him. :P
We're gonna see who's hairier in a month when he gets back. XD Wish me luck! I wanna beat that kids ass! X3
We're thinking about going a month without shaving our faces too, but I know Angelo would win that one. XP

Anyhoo, not much else going on. I'm gone tomorrow (Friday) through Sunday for a family road-trip. But, I'm taking my laptop and we're in a hotel on Saturday night, so if there's wireless I might try to get on. Otherwise, I'll see you all next week! :D
Have a great weekend, guys and thanks for reading. ^_^

