Shipping Challenge!

Shipping Challenge

Pick 3 of your OTPs, then answer the questions that follow

1. Damon & Elena (The Vampire Diaries)

2. Dean & Castiel (Supernatural)

3. Castle & Beckett

1. What made you ship 3?

I always seem to ship the characters that you know are going to end up together. I fall in love with them. Castle and Beckett bring so much to the table. They are absolutely adorable together. It has been fun to watch them grow and develop together.

2. Is 2 canon?

Pretty close.

3. What is your favorite moment between 1?

Gonna have to say when Damon tells Elena he loves her. Or any time there was a moment between the two of them where Damon ends up erasing the memory.

4. If you could put 3 in any scenario, what would it be?

In a room they could have sex in all the freaking time without interuptions.

5. Favorite line said between 1?

Damon: “I love you Elena, and it’s because I love you that I can’t be selfish with you, why you can’t know this.”

6. Did everything you want happened between 2? If not, what did you want to see?

Psh. No. They’re still denying their feelings for each other. I want them to admit that they love each other.

7. If you had to pick a favorite, 1, 2, or 3?

Oh God, I can’t even choose. I love each of them so so much!

8. Would a crossover work between the three?

Demon hunters/angels + vampires + NYPD. I think we could make this work.

9. Recommend a blog dedicated to 2


10. Recommend a fic about 3

I haven’t read any…

11. What’s 1’s shipping name?


12. Favorite episode/chapter of 3?

I have a feeling it is going to be the finale after I watch it..

13. Does anyone in real life know you ship 2?

There is one or two I think.

14. Do you also ship 1’s actors?

God yes!
