The Ultimate Mash!

pick 4 boys/ girls you want to marry
1. Jensen Ackles
2. Misha Collins
3. JJ Redick
4. Chris Hemsworth
pick 4 colors for your wedding dress
1. White.
2. A light light red.
3. Lavender?
4. Black. (I'd never wear any color but white, but I had to pick something!)
pick 4 colors for your husband's tux
1. White
2. Black
3. Red
4. Lavender?
pick 4 colors for your bridesmaids dresses
1. Brown
2. Black
3. Red
4. Yellow
pick 4 numbers for how many bridesmaids
1 5
2 4
3 6
4 3
pick 4 names to be your maid of honor/best man
1 Jennifer (She's who I've decided it will be for real)
2 Emily
3 Ana
4 Kerie
pick 4 places to have your wedding
1 My hometown church
2 My current town church
3 My current town: Calloways (Very pretty outdoorsy wedding)
4 Current town: In a park I can't remember the name of.
pick 4 places to go on your honeymoon
1 Hawaii
2 Switzerland
3 Bahamas
4 Somewhere with a beach
pick 4 places to live
1 My current town.
2 Somewhere near my hometown
3 A small town in my current state
4 Colorado


pick 4 jobs for you
1 Banker
2 Secretary
3 Coach
4 Mom
pick 4 jobs for your husband/wife
1 A businessman
2 A sports player
3 A writer
4 A Teacher
pick 4 cars for you
1 Dodge Stratus (my current car)
2 Eclipse
3 Grand Am (my old car)
4 Malibu
pick 4 cars for your husband/wife
1 1984 Chevy Impala
2 Porsche
3 Something classy
4 Something rustic
pick 4 numbers for the number of kids
1 3
2 2
3 4
4 5
pick 4 girls names to be your firstborn girl
1 Aaralyn
2 Jocelyn
3 Kayden
4 Kiera
pick 4 names to be your first born boy
1 Kaleb (Kale)
2 Jace
3 Jensen
4 Noah
pick 4 animals to be a pet
1 Cat
2 Dog
3 Tiger! :)
4 Fox
pick 4 numbers for how many animals
1 2
2 1
3 3
4 5
pick 4 ages for your age when you have your first child
1 25
2 26
3 27
4 30

your husband is # 3
JJ Redick! Yes!
your dress color is #2
A light light red.
your tux color is #1
your bridesmaid color is #4
Yellow. (Ew, these colors don't mesh!)
your bridesmaid numbers is #1
your maid of honor/best man is #2
where you have your wedding is #1
Hometown church.
where you go on the honeymoon is #4
Somewhere with a beach
where you live is #2
Somewhere near my hometown
you are living in a house
your job is #2
your significant other's job is #4
your car is #2
your significant other's car is #1
1984 Chevy Impala (Heck yes!)
the number of kids you will have is #3
the name of your first daughter is #1
the name of your first son is #4
the pet you will have is #2
the number of pets is #1
the age you will be when you have your first kid is #4
30 (Gah! I hope not!)
