Payphone! ��

Have you ever been to California?
I have never been out of the midwest.

Do you do drugs?
No, but I was at a party in high school once where some of my classmates were smoking pot, and I kept freaking out thinking the cops were going to show up and bust us, and I'd be in trouble for just being there!

Do you drink?
Socially. I'm trying to find things I like.
I hate hate hate beer.
I can handle red beer, but only if there is 60:40 ratio.
Otherwise, I like girly, fruity drinks if the fruitiness can mask the alcohol taste.

What do you want to do before you die?
Travel? I want to see somewhere totally new. I'd love to go over to Europe or Asia or something.

Are you in love?
With JJ Redick, yes!
For real? No. Never been.

Have you ever been heartbroken?

What's your favorite color?
Blue, black, silver.

Do you like girls or boys?
I like both for friends.
Romantically, boys... er men!

Would you rather be in darkness or in bright light?
Can there be a happy medium?

Do you have any kids?
No, but I want some really badly!

Would you rather see the sunrise or the sunset?
I've seen both. I kind of like the sunset.

Do you believe in Heaven and/or Hell?

What is the worst nightmare you've ever had?
I don't really have nightmares. I mean, in the dream I'm scared, but they never wake me up, and I never feel scared when I wake up. I love my nightmares.
But, the 'scariest' one I've had would be about when my ex and I were driving somewhere and we ended up at some abandoned house in the middle of some big city, and this guy we didn't know was trying to kill us.

What's your favorite animal?

Are you self-conscious?

Do you lie a lot?
Hardly at all. I'm a terrible liar.

Do you ever pace around the room?
Nope. I find no use for pacing.

Have you ever committed a crime?
I'm a felon, actually.
Hit a mailbox with my car once.
No joke.

What's your mom's name?
No one knows Your Mom's name.

What kind of car do you drive?
A 2000 Dodge Stratus.

What's your ideal dinner?
Good food?

Have you ever flown on a red eye flight?
Never flown before.

Are you racist against anyone?

Who do you call the most?
My dad.

Do you like Mexican food?

Do you cry a lot?
Hardly at all, actually.

Are you a virgin?

Are you rich?
I wish!

Are you a city or a country person?

What's your dream car?
something that will get me from Point A to Point B.

Do you like videogames?
Love them actually.

Do you watch the news?

Are you in any kind of pain right now?
Right this moment, no.
Except when I twist my wrist and it clicks.

Have you ever cheated on anyone?
Never have; never will.

Do you have a job?

Are you afraid of dying?
not at all.

Can you leave the house without makeup?
Always do.

Do you scream when you're scared?
No. I'm not a screamer.

Do you believe that zombies are possible?

Are you shy?

Are you an open book or a mystery?
Opened. Wide, wide open.

What time is it?
9:06 pm.

Do you sleep with the lights on or off?

Describe your face
Um, freckly. My nose and teeth are crooked.
Greenish eyes.
ya... :/

Who was the last person you kissed?
My ex.
