
If you could create the world, would you make it a triangle or a square?
A triangle maybe?

Do you find yourself frequently sounding like Donald Duck with a migraine?
No... I can't say I do....

Estimating, how many pieces of lined paper have you used this year?
This year? Maybe only a couple.

If you were a pen, what kind of pen would you be? (Be specific.)
A ball point pen?

If you were a pencil, what kind of pencil would you be?
A mechanical one?

What is your favorite thing to highlight?
Nothing. I hate highlighting.

What number can you relate to the most?

What would you do if you were a spider?
Wonder how the fuck that happened.

If you were a pirate, which sea would you sail?
All the seas!

Would you rather sell your life or gamble it away?
What am I selling my life for?

If you could pay anyone in the world to be your friend, who would it be?
JJ Redick.
Or Misha Collins.

Do you think that Bigfoot is really fighting with aliens?

Do you believe tabloids?
Not at all.

If you were a tabloid, would you believe in yourself?

Who do you think is the best Disney supporting actor?
Not really sure.

Does citrus acid make you happy?
Not particularly.

On the HB scale, what is your favorite lead?
I don't even know what that is.

x Your Dreams, Wishes, and Hopes x
If you could be in the arms of anyone at all...
JJ Redick
or Joe

If you could visit anyone or anything in the world...
JJ Redick

If you had functioning wings, would you fly away?
Not away. But, I'd fly.

If you met the person you knew you were destined to be with...
I'd be ecstatic.

If you could be anything in the world...
I'd be me.

If you could, what color would you paint the sky?
I like it the way it is.

How would you help them?
Help who?

If you could write a literary masterpiece...
Than I would.

If you could cure any disease, what would you cure?

If you could cure any mental illness, what would you cure?

If you were to leave on a journey, whom would you take for company?

If you could have a superhuman ability, which one would you choose?

If you could go back in time, what age would you like to go back to?
Maybe when I was 15.

If you could change anything about your past, what would it be?

If so, what are they?

Did you ever want to be some type of heroic figure?
Oh sure.

Who was your idol when you turned ten?
Ash Ketchum.

He could escape and go on a pokemon journey. Who wouldn't be jealous of that.

What do you want to be when you get older?
A mother.

What do you want your house to look like?
A two story house.

What kind of pets do you wish to have?
A dog or two and maybe some cats.

Where would be the ideal place to live?
In the country somewhere.

What do you want to accomplish before you die?
Being a mom like how my mama was for me.

Do you wish to contribute anything to the world?
I'll do what I can do.

What would that be?
No clue.

Who do you want to be beside right now?
Joe. Emily. Ana. Jennifer. John. Flynn. Dylan.

What do wish you could be doing currently?
I could think of a few things... :3

What do you want to accomplish to-day?
Today is over.

What news do you want to hear right now?
That Joe wants to be with me forever.

What else do you want to hear to-day?

Who do you want to talk to currently?
A lot of people.

Who do you want to kiss right now?

Who do you want to hug right now?

If you could tell the world just one thing about yourself...
I'm not as strong as I make myself out to be.

If you could tell the world just one thing about your friends...
They are the most amazing people in the whole world.

If you could apologize to everyone, what would you say sorry for?
Being me.

If you were to give all your thanks to just one person, who would it be?
My family.

Why would you thank them?
For putting up with me.

...Would you Ever...
Sacrifice everything for a friend?
Without hesitation.

A lover?
Yes, I would.

Give your life for a friend?
I would.

A lover?

Lie to a friend?

Lie to your parents?
I did when I was younger. But, I can't anymore.

Lie to a lover?
No. That leads nowhere good.

Steal from your parents?

Hug them in public?
I do.

Blow up your house?

Abuse someone?

Use someone?

...The Ideal Mate...
Hair color:
Doesn't really matter.

Hair length:
I prefer shaggy

Doesn't matter

Eye color:
I like blue or green, but it doesn't really matter.

Skin color:
Doesn't matter

Any makeup?:
Preferably not.

Clothing style:

Shy or outgoing?:
Outgoing. I'm shy enough for the both of us.

Happy or depressed?:
Happy, please.

Funny or serious?:

Abusive or kind?:
Kind. Who'd pick the other?

Respectful or perverted?:
Both! :3

Completely describe their personality:
I don't have a preference. Just someone who can be honest with me and love me for who I am.

Ideal height:
Over 6 feet

Ideal weight:
Not overweight

Body type:

Completely describe their appearance:
I don't have an ideal.

Masochistic or sadistic?:
Not sure...

Conformist or nonconformist?:
A bit of both?

Artistic or athletic?

Intellectual or unintelligent?

Complex or simple?

What would their hobbies be?

sports, video games, movies, music

ME! jk jk

Would they hug you often?
They better!

Kiss you often?
Every chance they can!

Would they frequently tell you that they loved you?

Have you already found your ideal mate?
Ideal, no. But someone I could see myself being with forever, yes.

Are you in love?

What will you do together?
Become one unit.

Your ideal date:
Something athletic

Your ideal wedding:
I don't have an ideal. Just something where everyone I care about can be there.

How many kids?
3 or more

What will their names be?
Jace, Elijah, Aaralyn

What do you think they would look like?
Hopefully my eyes and lips. Everything else can be my husbands.

Will you even have kids?

If not, why?

Will you even get married?

If not, why?

Are you taken or single?
Taken. :)
