With You

1. The new sports season is about to begin...do you love it or hate it?
Love it!

2. What's your favorite of the sports and what team?
Basketball. Duke and UNC.

3. Do you get snow where you live? Do you love it or hate it?
Yes, I do. And, I hate it.

4. You got stopped by a cop who tells you were speeding. Do you explain some or make up story as to why you were speeding or deny it and try to get out of it?
If there was a legitimate reason for me to speed, I'd explain it. Otherwise, just accept my fate.

5. You just had a fight with the person you are closest to. Do you not speak to them until they apologize...or do you apologize first.
Depends what the fight was about.
I have had my closest friends a part of my life for 4 years, and we have never once had a fight.

6. What do you love about this time of year?
The weather.

7. Your doctors says you need more exercise....what do you take up for exercise?
Walks, maybe?

8. If you could travel in time...where in time would you go? Why?
I wouldn't for fear of messing up the future.

9. Last Tuesday which was good Friday we came to tell you something we know nothing about.
You were asked to pull up a chair and sit on the floor. What do you make of this?

10. The answer is YES...what is the question?
Do you love me?

11. The cops are banging on your door late at night. What are you thinking they are there for?
We were being quiet, I promise!

12. Children learn what they live....so they say.. what would a child learn in your household??
MY household is just me. And kids would learn that it's okay to be who they are and to accept people for being different.

13. Tell us about 1 family ritual your family does every year.
We go golfing in the summer. It's like a three month ritual.

14. What is the favorite food that you would eat everyday 3 times a day if you could?
I dunno. I go through phrases, and right now, I'm not in one.

15. Tell us about your fantasy.
Which one?

16. You are stranded on a deserted Island. You have plenty of food, a person to keep you company, shelter and life seems stress free. what do you tell the rescue ship when it arrives.??
You can leave the boat here. I'll go when I'm ready.

18. Remember that 20 dollar bill you found on the ground a few memes ago?? Ok you picked it up and someone comes to and says..hey that's mine...what do you say?The aliens have landed...they have invited you in for dinner....what do you think they are up to?
To the dollar, if I hadn't spent it, I'd give it up.
To the aliens, I'd wonder if they were trying to make peace.

19. you got offered a part in a movie... they will pay an enormous amount of money....but you have to play the town she slut/he slut.. do you play the part or do you refuse to compromise your values?
I'll play the part. There's nothing wrong with liking sex. And certainly nothing wrong with playing a fictional character who likes sex.

20. Do you have a name for your private parts?

21. Tell us about something that you can do that more than likely not a lot of other people can do.?
I've heard I'm talented in certain areas better than most.

22. Are you the Rock or the sponge of your household?

23. . Have you raised children? if so do you think your parenting skills were top notch or could have used a little help from Dr Phil?
I helped raise my little brother. I did a pretty decent job. I love kids.
