
Do you own a little black dress?
A couple, actually. :3

Have you ever tried vibrating mascara?
I had no clue such a thing exists... That sounds dangerous, though.

Would you ever chop off tons of your hair & donate it to locks of love?
If I'd ever be brave enough to chop off all my hair, then yes.

Do you think pig tails hairstyle are cute or kiddish?
I find them really childish.

Have you ever snooped through bf/gf's stuff?
Honestly, no. What's the point of trust if you are just going to go through everything? That's not trust, and that's no way to go through a relationship.

Do you act like a dork around your crush?
All the time.

What would you do if you were rejected by your crush?
Walk away. Really quickly.

Do you prefer simple gifts?
I prefer any gift. haha.

Are you often considered to be the "responsible one"?
A lot of the time, yes.

Do you cover your "oops" moments with jokes?
I get laughed at either way, so it doesn't really matter.

Do you enjoy getting dressed up?
Not every day, but I do like getting dressed up and either going out and showing it off or being with the guy I like to see.

Are you against boys or girls getting between two best friends?
Who would be for that?
Been there done that, though. I don't appreciate being cast aside simply because someone has a new guy or girl. I was your best friend first. I know you the best. I love you, too.

Does McDonalds or fast food ever give you a guilty feeling?
No. It's my own choice to eat there.
The feeling I get is usually that of nausea. I don't like eating there that often.

What would the ultimate teen nightclub have to make you want to go?
Not stupid teenagers.

Have you ever been bribed?
Yes, I have.

Do you like eating icecream out of a cone or bowl?

Why can't you teach an old dog new tricks?
Because it's so set in its ways that it doesn't feel it needs to learn anything else.

Do you know someone who's hair is as long as the grudges?

Would you ever get dread locks?
No, I don't think I could pull off that look very well.

Have you ever been in a perfectly good mood & then someone ruins it for you?
Yes, but I don't usually let something bother me for very long.Except that one time...

Have you ever thought: "nothing worse can happen" then something worse happened?

Do u ever have those days where it feels like the whole world is against you?
Yes, and no. Sometimes it can feel that way, but I know the world is not out to get me. Everyone has good days, and everyone has bad days. Deal with it.

Are you good at fixing things?
Depends what I'm fixing.

Would you ever marry someone your parents didn't approve of?
No. I dated someone my parents didn't like. I'll never do that again.

Do you collect the prizes out of cereal boxes?
Nope. Not at all.

If you saw someone burning the American flag, what would be your reaction?
Look fire. Wait, what are they burning? That looks like a flag. The American flag. Who does that?

Do you have a security blanket?
Not really.

Would you rather go to the Bahamas or Hawaii?
Both! :)

How can someone draw a blank? <._.>
With a piece of paper and an invisible pencil.

Where do deleted text messages go?
Up your bum!

Have you ever had a ring stuck on your finger?
Too many to count.

Have you ever rode on a bicycle for two?
Nope. That would be kinda fun, though.

Would you ever send a care package to a soldier?
I suppose, yes.

What's your favorite children's book?
I'd have to go with Miracle on 49th Street.

Do you ever lick your fingers after eating something?
I do!

Do you know someone who is a tattle tale?
Not really, no.

What is your favorite nursery rhyme?
Don't really have one.

Do you know someone who would sound good singing the phone book? xP
I know a lot of them!

Have you ever built something out of dominoes &then someone knocked it down?
Not really.

What do you think of dead beat parents?
I don't think very highly of them.

Have you ever seduced someone?
Oh ya. :3

Has someone ever wrote on your face or done something to you while you were asleep?
Sure have.

Have you ever rubbed candle wax on your skin?
On my fingers. It's a funny feeling.

Have you ever felt drugged?
After surgeries.

Are you bitter on valentines day?
Not bitter. But, I hate the holiday.

Do you believe honesty is always the best policy?
Lies certainly aren't the best policy. Honesty in every relationship, platonic or otherwise, is essential.

Would you be willing to have horrible nightmares every night for a year if you would be rewarded with extraordinary wealth?
Considering that all the 'nightmares' I get are exciting and ones that I love, yes!

Are you usually overdressed or under-dressed at a party?
Out of all my friends when we go out, I'm usually the dressiest one. Not necessarily over dressed, and I'm certainly not under dressed, so I'm just dressed.

Do you cut people off in the middle of their conversations or stories?
Not on purpose.

Is happiness only a state of mind?
Yes, just like every other emotion.

What do you think the color for happiness is?
For some reason, something bright comes to mind. Maybe blues and yellows or something like that.

Is happiness relative, does it have a different meaning for each person?
Different things make different people happy, so yes. But, I also think there are universal things that can make someone happy. But, I would think happiness means being happy to each person.

Do you think disasters can help bring communities closer?
It can yes, but there are other ways to do that!

Do you know anyone with post traumatic stress?

Do you get angry when politicians make promises they can't keep?
It's why I do not get involved with politics.

Do you get angry when you watch the news & only see terrible things happening?
Not angry, no. I like knowing what's going on. But, I'd also like to know when good things happen as well.

Does it annoy you when a sales person tries to sell you things you don't need?
Yes, but then I remember they are just doing their job.

Does it drive you crazy when waiters ignore you?
Very much so!

Is your house child proof?
Nope. No child lives with me here.

Some say that men age better than women & remain attractive longer. Do you agree or disagree with that statement?
I don't think so. I've seen some very attractive, older women as well.

In your opinion do people spend too much time & money on beauty?

Have you ever had pink eye?
A long time ago.

Have you ever tried to invent a new color?
Maybe as a kid, but no.

Have you ever walked into a room & forgot what you went in there for?
A lot of the time.

Those who forget the past will repeat it, agree or disagree?
Yes. I think so.

Do you have a photographic memory?
I wish! It make make tests a heck of a lot easier!

Do you think your neighborhood is dangerous?
Very much so.

Do you usually remember your dreams?
Lately, I am.

Did u know that Abe Lincoln supposedly foresaw his assassination in a dream?
I do now!

Have you ever woke up from a dream in a cold sweat?

Do you have any birthmarks?
One on my left thigh, I think there is one on my knee, and one near my ankle.

Are you a couch potato?
I wish I had time to be a little one.

How much does your imagination weigh? xP
Never been asked that question before. A lot!

What are some fun things to do without spending a dime?
Being with friends. That's all you really need.

Do you think teenagers should show more respect for adults?
They really just need to show more respect towards everyone in general.

Are you good at telling ghost stories?
Not at all.

Do you walk under ladders?
Sure. I got no beef with them.

Have you ever found a 4 leaf clover?
I think I did once when I was little.

Do you think young children should be able to watch horror movies?
Sure. My brother does. He's so desensitized to the gory stuff now. Just like me. >:3

Do you think it's a good idea to borrow money from a friend?
No. Because if they don't pay you back, resentment just builds up between you. and if you don't resent them, but they don't do anything about it, they are just taking advantage of you.

Do you make friends easily?
Not easily, no.

Have you ever appreciated a sunset?
That I have.

Have you ever fell asleep & woke up & forgot where you were?
Every once in awhile, I'll wake up and think I'm back at home.

Have you ever had a electricity black out while taking a shower?
No, thank goodness!

What do you believe is true even though you can't prove it?
That there is a God.
