20 Questions, Yo!

1. If you could be any age right now, what age would it be?
I like where I am. 22. Almost 23.

2. Are you happy with your gender?
Meh. I'm okay with it.

3. Would you rather be taller, or shorter?
Taller, please!

4. Do you wish that you were another race?
No, I like who I am.

5. Do you get headaches a lot?
Not really.

6. Imagine that you lived in another country and knew their language fully,
what country would you live in?
I think France or Norway would be cool.

7. On a scale to 1-10, how good is your grammar?
I'd give myself a 9.

8. Have you ever made up your own word?
Severious. Severe+Serious

9. What extinct animal do you wish was still around? (Dinosaurs Don't count)
There are some cool cat species no longer living that'd be cool.

10. I know this is asked a lot, but what was the last song/music you listened to?
CN Blue

11. And, what last movie did you watch?

12. Have you ever wished that you could make a movie based off your life?
It'd be drama filled!

13. Skeletons, scary or cute?

14. Do you secretly like something everyone else hates?
Considering someone likes what I likes, not everyone hates it, so no.

15. Have you ever been attracted to a criminal?

16. Do you think caterpillars are cute, or scary?

17. Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Sure do.

18. Imagine you could have any job you want, what would it be?

19. What was the last video you watched on Youtube?
Couldn't tell you.

20. Have you ever tried to picture a new color?
Can't really picture something that doesn't exist. Doesn't mean I don't try.
