drew's amazing.

what kind of girl would be so obsessed with you me at six and all time low?

that'd be me. i'm that girl. jessica's the name, and lying is the game. but lying's not always the game, i didn't lie about my obsession right there. i am obsessed with atl and youmeatsix. i can name all of all time low's song just by hearing it, and i know most of the songs from you me at six.

oh my. here i am trying to "wow" you with some decent first impression and already you think of me as some lying band obsessed teenager. well, you must know there is more to me then that.

like my swagger. and my legit-ness. it's pretty ghetto crazy.

if you're anybody who knows anything, then you'll know i have a mild case of heffaphobia? halfaphobia? i don't know. but i do know i have an irrational fear of being touched. well, i wouldn't say it's irrational. i'd like to think it's rational. as rational as can be. either way, do not, under any circumstances enter my little bubble. i freak the fuck out. ask anybody who's anybody.

that's not always the case. if i'm comfortable enough with you or i'm just comfortable that day, i won't mind. with some i'm comfortable around them all the time, with others it's an on and off thing.

another thing about me; i'm always smiling. well, at least eighty percent of the time. if i smiled one hundred percent of the time, my jaw would need some serious work.

now, i'm not saying that i'm a saint or anything, because i can assure you i am most definitely not even remotely close to being a saint. i've been called a bitch far too many times, i've already lost track. i've lied so many times in my life, i couldn't tell you what was the truth if it was standing right in front of me. i've been grounded because of my anger issues and my attitude. i swear far too much for a girl my age, and sometimes my parents are ashamed of me.

but i'm alright with that.

now if you really know me, you'd know i'm also kind of philophobic. i don't know how this has happened, i think it's because of the whole touching thing, i'm so afraid of people getting close to me physically, that my mind has convinced my body that i'm afraid of people getting close emotionally.

that's pretty logical, right?

of course it is. at least, that's what i tell myself.

sure i've had infatuations, but never have i been infatuated enough for a relationship. besides, i'm stressed out enough. i don't need a boyfriend stressing me out too. plus there's the fact that i haven't found the right guy.

no, not "mr. right" because i'm well aware that he won't be coming around like, ever. i'm talking a guy who could handle me and my moodiness. or the fact that i might put myself before anybody else sometimes. that i might be a demanding, nagging, bitch, but he'll stay long enough to see through that and actually like me because he knows my perks.

yeah. that's gonna happen.

oh, yeah. i'm currently in middle school, and basking in my free health care. which is highly appreciated with all the sprains i've gotten. which leads me to the subject of basketball.

basketball is the whole reason why i have this darn sprained ankle. the same ankle i sprained two times before. once in february again, from basketball, and another time about maybe three years ago from soccer. but basketball is def my favourite sport there is. but that doesn't mean i dislike all the other sports, i'm up for something different.

i like sports. don't hate.

my mind's always in the gutter. and i am not just saying that, because it is exactly as it is. the truth. not it's not exactly eighty year old pedophile dirty, just the whole, oh, yeah, i'm gonna laugh because i can take that sexually. which is pretty much most of the time.

i'm conceited, but i don't consider myself pretty. i haven't met one girl yet who is so self-centered they go around telling people how beautiful they are. i've only ever heard all of my girl friends saying they're 'hideous'. which is far from the truth. so, i'm gonna be one of those annoying girls and tell you i am full on hideous. even if you may think it's a lie, i refuse to depart from denial.

i like denial. it's like a secure, little blanket. you know, one that's so soft and warm you can't help but wrap yourself up with it. and it's pure ecstasy because it's yours and no one else's. and with that blanket you don't have to face the truth. you can convince yourself of anything and everything. it's tainted bliss. your tainted bliss.

but in this case, it's mine.

i'm opinionated and almost always brutally honest, if you ask for my opinion i won't hesitate telling you the truth. if i don't like something, i'll straight up tell you i don't like something. but twenty-five percent of the time i hold it in. not for my sake, of course. i just don't wanna be a bitch all the time. it's a life choice.

i may not say what i really think of you, but i will think it. oh, i will. if you're reading this now, thinking what a terrible human being i must be, think about this. even if you haven't exactly told people off or bitched and moaned about someone behind their back, you're judging me right now. and you hardly even know me.

everybody judges on first impressions. sometimes even appearance alone. i do it, i'm not gonna lie about that. so you can't sit there thinking i'm a complete liar, also everybody's lied. even if it's a small, white lie. a lie is a lie, no matter how much you like to think that it's not.

me. i happen to be a compulsive liar. and i've been one for years, it wasn't until this year that i've admit it.

you've heard about my many flaws. and just like my flaws i have many perks. maybe you'll get to see them one day, maybe you won't. only time will tell.

now continue wondering how i sleep at night.

Sincerely, the most legit bitch there is :]

My Chihuahua Likes Cheese Puffs

Well, I had a pretty random conversation with Amby last night. It's also really weird how I always tell the truth when I'm really, really tired. Like, I'm talking full blown truth, my whole opinion about your personality, look, and all that shit.

What the title says is 1000 000% true; my chihuahua really does like cheese puffs. I named him Scruffy the dog that never dies. He's imaginary.

I'm listening to We Made You - Eminem. Good song.

I'm getting my hair thinned. Don't know when though, so I'm gonna have to goodbye to my fluffiness. Well, somewhat.

I'm getting a cold, so I feel pretty shitty. 'Ya know, I think I should be writing but truthfully, I don't feel like it.


Me and Drew had a conversation while walking home about ways to say Shit. I came up with shnazzle dazzle. Pretty cool if you ask me.

Today's Day 2. Do you know what that means? It means I have the 12 minute run and shops all in one day. Mr. Boutan or however you spell his name always touches me.

It makes me feel violated. Like not the whole rapist/pedophile touch, but he gets in my person space bubbles. That disturbs me.

But I hate running. It's not fun at all, and it sucks when we have to run outside because she makes us run for 20 minutes. Not 12, 20. I don't really like Ms. O'Brien.

I saw Connor yesterday, we were talking to each other. Except he was riding his bike on the road, and I was on the sidewalk, so it was more yelling. My nail polish is chipped. That sucks.

It'd be funny if a rabbit wore shoes.


It would!

I wore one of Megan's shoes for a whole afternoon. We traded one for one at lunch, and her shoe was about a whole size bigger then mine, so I had to tie it really tight, but it was still pretty loose.

I have math third period. F&%$^!

Well, I just said my favourite word.

French sucks monkey balls. No offense to anybody who actually is European. I just don't like french. I like french people, but not the subject. My French-English dictionary can go jump into a pit of fire in a speedo.

I'm having an odd morning.
Tell me what grinds your gears,
so I can secretly make fun of you.
No, I'm jaykaying with you,
I won't secretly make fun of you,
unless you're Becca. But I make fun
of her in a loving, and caring way
so, yea. Byeeeeeeeee!
Jessica &&Hearts .xo.xo.

Tarantulas are complicates creatures. Not to mention they scare the shit out of me!

Well, here's a update on my life!

As you know I went to the dance yesterday, but I also feel bad. Because yesterday in Math, Christian asked me to be his partner for this game were gonna play, and I said yes, but Drew asked me two classes before that, and I said yes to her so I had to tell Christian I couldn't.

So now I feel bad. But he's still my BBFFFFLLJZIOULXIOUS! And I told him he could be my partner next time.

We tried to prank call Brenden yesterday, but he didn't pick up. We also tried to prank call Mitchel, Drew's older brother, but we ended up calling some stranger and Laura told him that we had his wood order ready. He said that we had the wrong number, but Laura said, "No, this is the number we have on the form." Good times.




I have to work on art borders, but I'm gonna go take a shower first. I also tried to break into Drew's locker with Madison. We went all Jame's Bond style, and shit. But we ended up trying to break in Courtney Yeo's locker, and Bea's locker.

We're sad secret super agent spy people.

Um, what else?

Oh, at the dance, there was tears again, and Taylor Armmitt danced with Justyn. I hate her, she's a b*tch.

I have to write for all my stories today, or else I'll get strangled. So, I'm gonna go shower, blow dry my hair, update stories and shit, then work on art, and maybe update more stories!

xo. Jessica <3s you .xo
When trying to act Gangsta,
don't say "Hello", say " 'Yo, wassup, Buttercup?"
And don't try to eat Babies.
That's a no no.

"You can't wear your Huggies until we've dealt with the Pamper's problem." -Me

"You will never be straight up G." "Says the girl wearing tights!" -Madison & Me

"I wanna be a homo!" "Gunther, do you know what the is?" "Yea, a guy who lives on the street." "Gunther. That's a hobo. A homo is a person who's gay." "Oh, so you're attracted to men now? I knew it!" -Gunther & Keith & Taylor!

"You're a transvestite!" "I don't know what that is, but you're a transsexual, you girl!" My brother & Me!

"Why won't it die?!" "Because it's road kill. It's already dead!" -Me & Erin

"Ewww, it's moving!" "How are babies born?" ... "Who wants to tell her this time?" "Not me!" "Jess, let's just say a lot of things happen." -Erin & Me & Madison & Samantha

"Jess, this is the reason why we don't let you near sugar." "Or sharp things." "Or string." "Or my shoes." "That was one time!" -Madison & Erin & My brother & Me!

"You can go to jail for that!" "You can also go to jail for attempted murder and rape, even if the thing was already dead." -Madison & Me

"At least I didn't wake up singing the ABC's" "In my defense I was five! And you were a princess for Halloween!" "Yea, well, I had a sash, and you didn't!" -Me & Erin

"You can do it too, with Can Do!" "By it, you mean...?" "Jess, you sick minded little girl!" "I'm not that bad." "Yes you are." "Okay. so maybe I am. But you can't help but love me." -Madison & Me

"Jeeeeeeeeeessssssica!" "Juuuuuuuuuuussssssstyn!" "I hate you, Jessica." "Aw, I love you too, Justyn!" -Justyn & Me

"Justyn! Stop making kissie faces at Jessica!" "Fiiiiiiiiiiiine." -Mme. Champagne & Justyn

"I am not a girl!" "Yea, you are." "Well, I'm changing my name to something more manly, like John!" -Taylor & Brenden

"She should try Lady Speed Stick!" -Me

"I hope you get crabs." -Me

"Is that Jessica, I see?" "No Tyson, it's a dog." -Tyson & Me

"Don't slap my ass!" -Me

"I know where you live." "Yea, well, I know where I live too, so HA!" -Becky & Me

"What's a transsexual?" ... *I whisper it in Erin's ear* "You're brother has a--" "Erin, shut up!" -Me & Erin

"I wonder how caterpillars have sex." ... "I just lost my appetite." -Me & Madison

"Let's get in bed!" "Let's not." -Erin & Me

"Colton has a serious question for you." "No Colton, I will not get in your bed." "Oh, c'mon! You didn't even let me ask!" -My brother & Me & Colton

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavin!" "Jessssssssssssssssssssssssie!" "I wanna be a bus patrol, too!" "You don't even go to school here." "Well, I hate carrots." "What does that have to do with it?" "A lot." -Me & Gavin

"Why are you poking my back?" "I'm not." "Ewwwwww!" "It's not that either!" -Me & Connor

"My dog died last night!" "You don't have a dog." "What are you smoking? I do so!" "Oh, right. Scruffy, you're imaginary dog that never dies." "Excuse me, that's my fish." "Then why'd you name it Scruffy the dog that never dies?" "Because Scruffy died!" "How does that work?" "It just does, okay!" -Me & Jayna

"Ew, is that a condom?!" -Me

"How does a guy and another guy have it?" "With your face." "Groooooooooss!" -Me & Erin

"I'm gonna ask you, what you always ask us, what are you smoking?" "Weed. And I'm also sniffing coke. And I tried Meth." "Well, that explains a lot." -Madison & Me & Bea

"They were chewing on condoms, because they're that cool." -Matt

"Robby licks his moobs?" "No! Robby shaves his moobs!" "Well, isn't that nice." Matty & Christian & Me!

"Oh my Gawd! I'm naked!" -Zac

"No I will not take my pants off!" -Me

"Erin, I thought we had something special!" ... "Oh, c'mon, we were engaged for Pete's sake!" ... "No we weren't." "Oh, well then. Who the Hell was that?" Me & Erin

"Colton, for the last time, I'm not a masochist, so I will not let you whip me." -Me

"Chris, I'll help you with your obsession with men, but for that to happen you actually have to meet a girl or two." -Me

"No I did not PMS all over my pantie hoes!" -Me

"I will shank you." -Me

"Don't make me shove my lawn mower up 'yo ass." -Me

"Don't worry, I'm not a pedophile." -Me

"We should make them wear a speedo and a coconut bra." "No, we really shouldn't." -Drew & Me

"See Nick's shirt?" "Yea." "I'd marry it." "Why?" "Because then we could have shirt babies! Duh, Erin!" Me & Erin

"Bananas dipped in chocolate is wonderful, thank you!" "I know. It also tastes good covered in whipped cream." "All the way!" -Me & Jack

"My bra feels funny." "Well, isn't that just lovely?" "Also something you should've kept to yourself." -Erin & Me & Madison

"I have a wedgie." "That sounds like a personal problem." Me & Madison

"I'd bang him the Johnny Gong way!" ... "I think I'm just gonna leave now..." -Me & Madison

"GASP! And we had sleepovers!" -Madison

"Move your fat ass over." "Ugh, move yours." "My ass is very bootilicious, thank you!" -Me & Madison

"No, I'm tired." "I'll buy you Jolt." "Let's get this show on the road!" -Me & Madison

"Wassup, Buttercup?" " 'Yo Momma!" -Me & Drew

"No I will not give you a spoon!" -Me (You have to know the dirty spoon to get it)

"You silly goose!" "Yea, well, you're a silly moose!" Me & Taylor

"That's what your mom said last night." "My mother said WHAT?!" -Me & Madison

"My Llama, George, hates you." -Me

"My imaginary friend will eat you!" ... "Jess... Are you high again?" Me & Jayna

"You gotta always remember to practice safe sex, Jay!" -Me

"Please, Jessie! I gotta pee!" "I would've said yes even if you kept that last part to yourself." Jayna & Me

"I thought that was a girl!" "Really? I thought that was an ape." -Erin & Me

"My cat has issues." -Me

"You're the normalist one here!" "Is that even a word?" "I hope so." "HA! YOU LOOKED LIKE A CARROT!" "Ewwww, spandex!" "WOLVERINE WILL EAT MY BABY!" "Who's the lucky guy?" "'Yo Momma!" "My mom is not a guy!" "Oh, then who was that?" "Jessica, you naughty, naughty girl!" "Excuse me, I am not naughty! I'm just no good." -Bea & Me & Madison & Erin & Taylor

"What if the aliens come?" "Don't worry, Erin, I'll protect you." "Thank you, Jessie." "If the zombies come, though. Well... You were a good friend." Erin & Me

"OH BABY!" "Jess, please don't." -Me & Madison

The Buchannan dance was zee bomb!

I got there with Drew and Nevada, and we got pushed like crazy! But the dance was really, really fun!

Even better then the last one!

At the beginning it was all talk and mingle and shit, but then the dance really happened, and it got packed. Me, Drew, Sydney, Karla, Erin, Megan, Madison, and Nevada were all dancing and then this guy comes up and pushes his hips into mine, so I back up and then there's this other guy behind me, so I'm like "Whoa! Personal space, people!"

That was awkward. So we dance a lot, and Aaron's little brother is the CUTEST! He was dancing and trying to break dance, and it was ADORABLE!

Then this slow song comes on, so me and Erin dance for a bit to it, because we're just that close, and then me and Madison danced to it, then we sat down, and this guy comes up to us and is like "Do any of you girls wanna dance with my friend?" So, we're all like, "No thanks."

And then he walks away. Then we dance more, and we go CRAZY to Boom, Boom, Pow, and while we were dancing to some song, this guys comes up behind me and taps my shoulder, so I turn around, and he says, "Hey, my friend wants you to look over there," and he pointed in front of me.

When I do I see this whole row of guys, and the guy that tapped me on my shoulder points to this guy who could pass as the Emo Skater type(OMG YES!), and the guys who tapped my shoulder says over the loud music, "Do you wanna dance with him?", and he's smiling and laughing, and he looked so shy and cute, but before I could say anything Drew, Madison, Erin, Karla, Sydney, Nevada, and Megan push me towards him, so we're pressed together because his friends did the same to him.

We managed to move away from each other, and me and my friends went back to dancing together.

Then there's this row of guys doing the "air hump", so me and Drew join in too, and then there's this whole line of girls and guys doing the "air hump", but some older lady made us stop. It was fun though!

Then this group of girls join our little circle and start dancing with us, so I'm like "Why not?" so, I dance with them for a bit, then Erin pulls me over to a mini circle without them and we danced to Sugar.

Unfortunately Jess wasn't there, so I never got to dance/ grind with her. Yes, we do grind, have a problem? It's not that dirty, so calm your hormones!


And I think this guy grabbed my ass, then Madison's. Pervert.

Besides the whole ass grabbing shit, the dance was effing AMAZING!

I cannot wait for the one next month.

I also danced with Justyn! We were so close. It was funny.

"Hey, Jess! There's your man candy!" -Drew.

"I'll dance with your friend!" -Me(I was just kidding around)

"What are you implying?" "HE WAS A HOTTIE WITH A BODY!" -Me & Madison

"Tango!" -Me

"Whoa, that's a little down south!" -Me

"T.N.T!" -Drew

"I'd bang him." -Me

"OMG I LOVE THE JONAS BROTHERS!" "They're faggots." -Me & Karla

"It's not sex in public until you really get into it." -Me

"Yeah! Go Zac!" -Me