drew's amazing.

what kind of girl would be so obsessed with you me at six and all time low?

that'd be me. i'm that girl. jessica's the name, and lying is the game. but lying's not always the game, i didn't lie about my obsession right there. i am obsessed with atl and youmeatsix. i can name all of all time low's song just by hearing it, and i know most of the songs from you me at six.

oh my. here i am trying to "wow" you with some decent first impression and already you think of me as some lying band obsessed teenager. well, you must know there is more to me then that.

like my swagger. and my legit-ness. it's pretty ghetto crazy.

if you're anybody who knows anything, then you'll know i have a mild case of heffaphobia? halfaphobia? i don't know. but i do know i have an irrational fear of being touched. well, i wouldn't say it's irrational. i'd like to think it's rational. as rational as can be. either way, do not, under any circumstances enter my little bubble. i freak the fuck out. ask anybody who's anybody.

that's not always the case. if i'm comfortable enough with you or i'm just comfortable that day, i won't mind. with some i'm comfortable around them all the time, with others it's an on and off thing.

another thing about me; i'm always smiling. well, at least eighty percent of the time. if i smiled one hundred percent of the time, my jaw would need some serious work.

now, i'm not saying that i'm a saint or anything, because i can assure you i am most definitely not even remotely close to being a saint. i've been called a bitch far too many times, i've already lost track. i've lied so many times in my life, i couldn't tell you what was the truth if it was standing right in front of me. i've been grounded because of my anger issues and my attitude. i swear far too much for a girl my age, and sometimes my parents are ashamed of me.

but i'm alright with that.

now if you really know me, you'd know i'm also kind of philophobic. i don't know how this has happened, i think it's because of the whole touching thing, i'm so afraid of people getting close to me physically, that my mind has convinced my body that i'm afraid of people getting close emotionally.

that's pretty logical, right?

of course it is. at least, that's what i tell myself.

sure i've had infatuations, but never have i been infatuated enough for a relationship. besides, i'm stressed out enough. i don't need a boyfriend stressing me out too. plus there's the fact that i haven't found the right guy.

no, not "mr. right" because i'm well aware that he won't be coming around like, ever. i'm talking a guy who could handle me and my moodiness. or the fact that i might put myself before anybody else sometimes. that i might be a demanding, nagging, bitch, but he'll stay long enough to see through that and actually like me because he knows my perks.

yeah. that's gonna happen.

oh, yeah. i'm currently in middle school, and basking in my free health care. which is highly appreciated with all the sprains i've gotten. which leads me to the subject of basketball.

basketball is the whole reason why i have this darn sprained ankle. the same ankle i sprained two times before. once in february again, from basketball, and another time about maybe three years ago from soccer. but basketball is def my favourite sport there is. but that doesn't mean i dislike all the other sports, i'm up for something different.

i like sports. don't hate.

my mind's always in the gutter. and i am not just saying that, because it is exactly as it is. the truth. not it's not exactly eighty year old pedophile dirty, just the whole, oh, yeah, i'm gonna laugh because i can take that sexually. which is pretty much most of the time.

i'm conceited, but i don't consider myself pretty. i haven't met one girl yet who is so self-centered they go around telling people how beautiful they are. i've only ever heard all of my girl friends saying they're 'hideous'. which is far from the truth. so, i'm gonna be one of those annoying girls and tell you i am full on hideous. even if you may think it's a lie, i refuse to depart from denial.

i like denial. it's like a secure, little blanket. you know, one that's so soft and warm you can't help but wrap yourself up with it. and it's pure ecstasy because it's yours and no one else's. and with that blanket you don't have to face the truth. you can convince yourself of anything and everything. it's tainted bliss. your tainted bliss.

but in this case, it's mine.

i'm opinionated and almost always brutally honest, if you ask for my opinion i won't hesitate telling you the truth. if i don't like something, i'll straight up tell you i don't like something. but twenty-five percent of the time i hold it in. not for my sake, of course. i just don't wanna be a bitch all the time. it's a life choice.

i may not say what i really think of you, but i will think it. oh, i will. if you're reading this now, thinking what a terrible human being i must be, think about this. even if you haven't exactly told people off or bitched and moaned about someone behind their back, you're judging me right now. and you hardly even know me.

everybody judges on first impressions. sometimes even appearance alone. i do it, i'm not gonna lie about that. so you can't sit there thinking i'm a complete liar, also everybody's lied. even if it's a small, white lie. a lie is a lie, no matter how much you like to think that it's not.

me. i happen to be a compulsive liar. and i've been one for years, it wasn't until this year that i've admit it.

you've heard about my many flaws. and just like my flaws i have many perks. maybe you'll get to see them one day, maybe you won't. only time will tell.

now continue wondering how i sleep at night.

Sincerely, the most legit bitch there is :]

I'm an Addict and a Flirt

Yes, what my title says, is 100% true.

I'm addicted to a drug. I'm addicted to caffine.

That is a drug, so you can't say I'm wrong!

Apparently, it's addicting. Therefore, I am addicted to Jolt and sweets because of it.


Anywho's, also like my title says, I'm a flirt. Really I am.

My brother even says so, and so does most of my friends. 'Course I don't flirt with guys who have girlfriends.

Well, I don't unless I do and I don't know it.

Make sense?

I didn't think so. It doesn't even make sense to me.

I've even flirted with my brothers friends, when I didn't know it!

That's kinda scary. Anyways, I'm gonna get off my computer before my brain mentally combusts!

No, just kidding. I'm gonna go watch CSI!

Jessica <3's you!:P

My Week

I know I haven't posted much, therefore, just to treat everybody, I'm gonna bore you with telling you about my week!

Let's start from Sunday, shall we??


I went to that hockey game with Erin, Mackenzie, and Erin's dad. Lisa(Erin's mommy) drove us there, and we danced to Poker face.

Then when we got to the MTS centre, we ran inside. Well, they did, I galloped. Anyways, turns out we couldn't gallop or fool around and I was just about to ask if I could skip, but Erin said no skipping either.

But, yea, let's get onto the fun stuff!

Madison, Bea, Brian, Robbie, Janelle, Cole, and a bunch of other people that we knew were there too.

But I saw this hottie there! With a very pimped out black and gold DC hat. But yea, as usual, I was making dirty jokes, and I filled up on a bunch of cotton candy. Which leads us to Monday.

I'm just gonna skim through the days 'cause I can't remember them exactly as they were.


I was blowing chunks on Monday! AKA Puking. And when I went to school that afternoon, I couldn't participate in gym.

So, yea, I walked 4 laps before needing to throw up, luckily, I didn't. So, I sat with Melysa 'cause she was sick too. So we talked a bunch and shit.

And then it was the guys' turn to run for 12 minutes. So they did, and Jack noticed I had glasses. So he was running backwards and making motions with his hands, telling me I was wearing my glasses, even though I sorta already knew! So Melysa says Jack pays too much attention to me.

And I picked up what she was saying, so I'm like, Ewwwww!

But, he almost tripped.

Which I laughed at, 'cause I'm a good friend like that.

Anyways, also in gym Brenden, Christian, Justyn, Matt and all them kept yelling hi to me. So I wave back and say hi, too. Then Matt's all like, I missed you!

So then me and Melysa start laughing and yea. I helped Erin try talking to Brenden again.


Tuesday's art class was HILARIOUS!

I was sitting beside Erin, 'cause we're tight like that.(Like sisters, perverts! Unless it's just me.) So, we're talking about arranging a sleepover on Friday. Which is happening.

But --of course-- Jack had to eavesdrop. Therefore, he invited himself. And then Robbie invited himself, then Nakiah, then Connor, then Alex, then Ryan, then Tyson, then Brenden, and a bunch of other people.

So now I'm having like a ton of people at my house for a sleepover. Luckily, half of those people don't even know where live.

Wait, they do.

Oh well! They were kidding anyways.

Well, all of them, except maybe Jack. Since it is Jack, you can't really tell.

So then me and Erin are talking more and then Jack decides to crack some jokes, so then we're laughing like crazy then Connor comes over and starts making odd noises.

Like he usually does.

And he even tried to eat his hood.


On to French class!

Oh, how I hate thy french! But this french class was funny too. During french Justyn accused Brenden of cheating on Erin with me, her best friend.

Me and Brenden are really good friends. Not our fault.

But I hooked him and Erin up, I wouldn't do that.

But anyways, Justyn was giving Brenden the "disappointed look". And then a couple minutes later, out of the blue, he asks Brenden what he would say if I asked him out.

Then I say, why would I ask Brenden out? Because I only think of him as my friend. So, Brenden's like, ya. So I say, what?!

'Cause I thought he was answering Justyn's question. But he was agreeing with me, luckily. Erin would be mad at me if Brenden liked me as more then a friend, since he's dating her and all.

Anyways, Justyn says, if you do say yes, you have good taste. So I laugh, taking it as a joke. But I'm not sure if he was joking or not. So I tell Erin, and then more people hear, so some people think Justyn likes me.

But, whatever. I still only think of him as friend. So they kid around about Justyn liking me. But, yea.


I have to say, math class was fun that day. I have no idea how I could live through it without Jack.

I'm not saying I like him like that, I love all my friends, including the guy ones.

But, so, Jack and I were talking in math and Justyn got 25 minutes after school, because he talks way too much.

But Jack said something about a hole, so I said that gave me nasty thoughts. So Jack said not that! The thing will come into the hole.

So then I burst out laughing, while he continues. So, he says it might hurt a bit, and the hole's really small, so it'll break and, yea, it'll be all gross.

So I'm laughing so hard, I'm pretty sure my face was red and my eyeliner was running. And then Germy comes over and he's like, what's so funny? But me and Jack are too busy laughing to even bother answering him.

But eventually Jack was able to answer. He said it was too gross.

In gym we had to go to a different room, because all the other rooms were occupied. And Chris had this HUGE tantrum and had to be pulled out of class.

Me and Erin were really, really scared.


I missed half the day today, and when I got back to school, I was attacked with hugs.

Anyways, moving on.

In ELA, we had to go to the library, but then we were told to go back, but turns out we really did have library, so we had to go back up.


Anyways, I was wearing perfume, and it was actually pretty strong, but it smelt good! Like cotton candy! So Drew notices and all. And then I smelt something really bad.

It actually smelt like a wet dog. And I can't stand that smell. So I whisper that to Drew. But Nakiah wanted to hear too, so I whisper to her too. Then she's like, Jess, your hair smells so good!

So, Justyn hears and he's like, maybe you should whisper in my ear so I can smell your hair too!


Yea, anyways. In the library Nevada was looking through this magazine, and in it, on this picture of a girl who had her shirt down to her belly button, but still covering her boobs(lol, boobs), it said "Hi, I'm Jess. Pick me up and ask me out!" and it was in Nakiah's writing and she didn't even deny she wrote it.

So, yea.

On my way home, Kole, Jack, Ryan, Tyson, and all them call my name.

So I'm like, what? And Kole says why did you poop your pants? And I say, what?

Kole says, all the guys said you did, well I started that but you did. So, I kick him and walk away but they keep yelling that I did. And we had that argument all the way to Strathmillan.

But, anyways, I didn't.

I was walking with Drew and Melysa, and it turns out that they didn't have early dismissal like us. Then it hits me.

'It's Thursday. Duh'

We only have early dismissals on Tuesdays but it's parent/teacher confrence at my school, so we got out at 3:05. So we paraded the halls until it was time to go.

And I am glad to say, I am best friends with Clifford the Big Red Dog.

Yea, me and him are tight.

Anyways, for at least 10 minutes I was 48 and 47, and I was trying to act all Gangster and whatever. And I made new mini friends! Yay!

Also, me and Drew were like dirty dancing to Right Round. But we weren't dirty dancing together, because I don't roll that way.

Yup. That's my week. Tomorrow I'm having a sleepover with Erin and then Saturday we're gonna go to this party full of little kids.






I'm so effing tired, it's not even funny. I think I was high last night.

I think I got drugged, too. I can hardly remember ANYTHING! And I think my head is bleeding.

Disregard what Jayna said. She's still short.


I'm going to a hockey game today with Erin, her mom, her dad, and Makenzie or however you spell her name.

Her hair's pink. Not Erin's, Makenzie's.

I think I was high last night. I was seeing a lot of scary stuff. And I actually liked the Jonass Brothers last night.

Scary stuff.

kejbgfuoaguefaegbfc, ujogkof7234859q38k 89234zagov uibb ir4kjkzscbfkjcdblbasodfwhyft90ywe4orobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo tired!

Jessie's Mibba!


Do you like reading?

Do you enjoy comedies?

Have you met my friend Jessica?

Well, for the last question, maybe not in person but you may have at least talked to her, or commented or whatev.

Anyways, she has a Mibba!




Yes, it's true!

Can you believe it?!

I can.

Truthfully, her stories are actually not half bad.

Really funny too. And witty.

Ooh! 'Ya know what's hilarious?

She is soooooo serious writing them and yet she is soooo immature not...writing...them?


-----> THE LINK! http://www.mibba.com/story/_74409/Ive-Been-Kidnapped-by-a-Bunch-of-Lunatics-That-Claim-Theyre-Immortal-Can-You-Say-Screwed-Up

Get a Mibba account and read it if you don't have one! NOW! RIGHT NOW!

ANYWAYS! Guess what!

She got her report card today.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd her average was 91.0

What a nerd.


But, really, don't tell her I said that. She might hurt me. Or make fun of my shortness again.

So I'm short, not my fault.

She says I'm "fun-sized". Psh. I bet she's mocking- OH NO! SHE'S ON HER WAY!

Don't tell her I posted.


Is it just me?

Is it just me? Or is everybody with someone? I mean all my bestest friends are either dating one of my other bestest friends or one of my friends. Either way, I'm alone.

Not that I really care. I mean, I could be with somebody and it wouldn't really make a difference, besides the hugs and shit but really. It's soooooooo irritating at times. I mean, I'm the person they always turn to if they break up, or they need advice, or even sometimes for me to call them. Once I even had to follow somebody because they thought they were dating somebody else. But I'm not gonna mention any names.

But like I said, IRRITATING! I mean, it's one thing to be dating somebody, but telling me alllllll about it, is another. I really couldn't care less!Erin. And I'm not gonna be friends with your possibly "boyfriend" just because you tell me I should.Ashley. I pick my friends, I don't let anybody pick for me.

I like being independent, yes but sometimes I think about it. Is it really that great. But it just so happens to be that great. No matter how much you want to disagree.

And, no, I'm not afraid to admit it could be better with a boyfriend but I don't really care.

Well, actually I do. If it's some guy who I don't like in the least bit, or loathe with everything I have, then, yes, I do mind. Yes, I have dated somebody that I didn't like in the least bit, but it wasn't my fault! My friend hooked me up with him. Not gonna mention any names though. Nakiah!

But, at the end of the day, I'm happy to be me. I can still look at other guys without getting somebody mad, or getting somebody to tell my boyfriend about it. And I won't get hurt. And I'm free to hang out with my friends. And I'm not being overprotected and banned from seeing my friends by some really protective guy. And much more.

So, I'm okay with being single. But really, if you are gonna tell me about your love life, save it. I'm sure I'd have more important things.

Yes, me saying that is pretty bitchy, but it is true, too. Anyways, so far, my love life is fine and I wouldn't change it at the moment.

But if one of my many crushes, well, obsessions were to ask me out, I'd say yes.
