Waiting On A Second Hand Pick-Me-Up

Manage me I'm a mess

Turn a page, I'm a book

Half unread

I wanna be laughed at

Laughed with, just because

I wanna feel weightless

And that should be enough

Time: 1:08PM

Mood: So Much Better

Music: Weightless - All Time Low

I went shopping yesterday! And I got four shirts, a pair of shutter shades, a pair of pimped out sunglasses, two sticks of eyeliner, at least fifty hair elastics, four hair boys, twelve berets,and a lot of bobby pins.

I love the store Spencer's now. And I should have gotten my brother the shirt that said "Boobies Make Me Happy" or the "$5 Foot Long" with an arrow pointing down.

I was also gonna get a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt, but I didn't because I could fins one that was baggy enough so I bought a Super Mario one. It was Mario on it, then a plus sign, then one of those mushrooms that make you humongous, then a humongous Mario, then on the bottom it said "Livin' Large".

I wish it said "Bitches" on the back.

I also got a green shirt that has a vacuum on it, and a fan, and it says "You Suck, You Blow" not only is it dirty, but it's funny too!

I got another shirt with a monkey on it wearing shutter shades and a another one that says "Dangerous Love".

I love shopping.

I like the band Bullet For My Valentine now and Drew took the last Rolling Stones shirt.

I went shopping with Drew, Rebecca and Madison and when we went into Zellers we were trying on the heels and it was so fucking weird! Especially for me, I haven't worn heels since that wedding last year.

And I forced Madison and them to go to the Explore Store with me and they had hand puppets! You know how amazing it was!

And there was this doll, and when you flipped the dress over her head it was another doll so I'm like "Whoa, she's stuck up her ass!" and there was this dog thing, and I made a Dalmatian hump another dog.

Doggy Style!

They had a model of Kelsey, Madd's dog, so she's like "This is like a mini model of Kelsey!" and there was this dinosaur so I'm like "WHOA! THIS IS A FUCKING MINIATURE MODEL OF MIDNIGHT!".

Good times, good times...

Except we almost got kicked out.

Still hilarious!

Anywhoo, I don't have constant headaches anymore. I took some Tylenol, that shit actually works!

I met Madison's grandma, and she's so funny! So's Natalie, Madison's mom.

Drew got a shirt that said "I Only Date Vampires", silly, silly Drew! It was funny.

Ooh! I wanna show you a diagram of how me and Madison were walking!

Jessica! ------------> Drew!
Madison! ------------> Rebecca!

See? Madison and I are fast! They had to run to catch up to us, it was rather funny.

Me and Madison are completely opposite in the shopping department, what she likes, I don't, what I like she normally doesn't. It's funny. We were in Ardene and I found this outrageous pair of sunglasses, and I made her try them on, and I tried on an outrageous pair of sunglasses too.

We looked HOT!

When we went into Stitches I saw this Barack Obama shirt, and I'm like "I have him on speed dial". Then Madison was like "Oh yeah? Lemme see" so I take out my phone and say "OK, I will let you see, just gimme a sec" then she's like "You're probably just gonna add him in" and I'm doing just that, so I'm like "Pssssssh, no! You crazy!".

I blew over ninety-five bucks there.

Yup, yup!
Anywhoosies, I'm off.
Merch Guys &&Glass Cups
Jess <3<3
