I'll Be Back and Then You'll Be Mine

Time is passing by, you gotta make it through the night,

Until the morning you say "Goodbye, for now darling."

Maybe you will come back, on another day you'll do that,

Go away with the wind,

It takes you now

July 29 2009

Time: 10:51PM

Mood: Content

Music: DCX- Flying High DJ Splash Remix (Speed)

I love techno.

It's upbeat and gets me pumped! Yay for techno!

Sigh, sigh, sigh. I'm pretty bored. Nothing really exciting has happened to me in the past few days. Kinda sucks.

Except the weird dreams. Which I am not going to write about. Because they're personal. And disturbing.

I woman sacked Becca today. That was funny. Would've hurt more if she was a guy. So she better be happy she doesn't have any testies.

Me and Drew have concluded that CSI: Miami is slightly cliched and we both like CSI: NY better.

I haven't hand written for a really long time. I'm going to the mall on Friday with Erin in a limo! Her Uncle Greg has one. Pretty sweet, if I do say so myself.

Mm, I'm still pretty bored.

Entertain me? Please? With a... cherry on top?

I'm really bored.

Bored, bored, bored.




It's 11PM now.

Nothing's happened yet. Another hour 'til Jay's twelve -- Er, eleven. I keep thinking she's twelve.

Oh, well. I'll say she's twelve anyways.

I was at Drew's and Becca's today. Jumped on a wet trampoline and had ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream. I needed comforting. Which I got! From Drew, Becca, and chocolate ice cream.

My new best friend.





&&Sigh again.

I am really bored.

Serial killers are yummy.

Well, no. Only the ones in movies are.



Taylor's favourite flavour is banana.

Don't ask me how I know.

It was a sleepover. And we got really bored. And Tay tried on her dad's boxers.

Good times...


Life sucks. Hard. And sloppy.

Well, no, it doesn't always suck. But I'm really bored.

I like things with hidden sexual meanings. Or blunt sexual meanings. Or anything sexual. I even like the word sexual.

Don't judge me.

I got high off nail polish and permanent markers with Becca like two days ago.

Good times...

Does anybody know what happens to a girl if she tries Viagra or any time of "extending" pill?

I've been wondering about that for a while, but I've been too lazy to actually search it up.

Yes, I am being a lazy bum.

I'm still bored.

I wonder is any aliens will invade the Earth. That's not likely, but I wish it was. As long as they're friendly aliens that can speak English but choose to speak Mexican so we have to get Mexicans to help translate and it turns out all they wanted to do was try our cotton candy ice cream.

I have an Italian/English dictionary. I'm pretty sure I said that somewhere else in one of my posts.

Somebody fucking entertain me! I'm so fucking bored! I'm gonna start streeeeeeeetching my words.

Because I'm that fuuuuuuucking boooooored.


I was gonna originally write bored, but I didn't wannnnna.


Fuck yeah.

Mm, still bored.

I wish I had a chihuahua that could do little jigs or something. I wish I was sleeping over at a friend's house. I wish the other side of my window could open so I could sneak out.

But it won't fucking open.

My mom glued it shut after that incident from when I was ten.

Not gonna get into that.

E-N-T-E-R-T-A-I-N M-E!


Fuck you, very, very much. Fuck you.

That's a good song. Yees, it really is a song. No, I am not just jooooshing you.




You know what else is good? Bananas. They are frickin' delicious.

She's a freaky girl.

Fuck is also sex. So from now on; instead of saying fuck, I will say sex.

That movie was so sexing good.


Sex you.

Taylor Lautner is so sexing sexy.

Sex you calender! Sex you to Hell!

No, it's not the same.

It's not the sexing same. So I'm gonna stop.

I wish I had an over sized lollipop.


No I don't.

Li-Li-Lick me like a lollipop.

A 15 inch dick is too long.

Just thought I'd state the obvious.

Don't be a carbon muncher. Unless you're into that kind of stuff. I'm not gonna tell you what that is. Mostly because it's pretty gross.

I'm still bored.
Comment on how much you hate me.
Make me happy :]
Raves &&Raids
Jess <3<3
