Rise, Rise From the Ashes

He sees what's beneath her skin

He sees through her soul

Blue eyes and empty veins

Her fortune unfolds

She steps out of her body

That lies on the floor

August 17 2009

Time: 2:28PM

Mood: Bored

Music: Scary Kids Scaring Kids - Blood Runs Forever

They sell condoms at the store at the corner of my street. Everybody calls it the corner store, because it's located at a corner. It's actually called St. James Convenience store.

But not the point. The point is, they actually sell them. Do you know how many 5-12 year olds go in there? Because it's a lot. I happen to be one of them, and I had no idea what it was, so I was holding it and looking at like "WTF?".

I actually thought it was a packet of powdered sugar or something, because it didn't actually say "CONDOM" on it, it just said "Lifestyle" on it, and then some smaller words that I didn't bother to read, and then Drew comes beside me, and is like "You do know that's a condom, right?", so I'm like "Holy fuck! It is?", then she says "Yeah, it is." so I drop it and buy my drink while Drew laughs at me.

It's not my fault.

Just because I talk about that kind of stuff, doesn't mean I actually have experience with it. So the next day, while I'm with her, I'm like, "Let's make balloon animals!", she says "With what?", I say, "CONDOMS!" They were only 99 cents. Pretty cheap. I bet they break easily.

Rebecca's laugh is funnnnnnny. I'm laughing while typing this because of it. I jus can't get it out of my head. You should see how many typos I have. I'll edit them later.

Monkey see, Monkey doo.

I'm really bored.

I vacuumed.

What does accumulated mean?

I now know what Viagra does to women. It made me giggle. I almost wanna try it to see if the theories are right. I'm still laughing about it, it's pretty damn funny.

I'm really bored.
So I'm gonna go.
Burnt Pancakes &&Undercooked Sharpeners
Jess <3<3
