Here's to the Fast Times

I know she hopes I choke on this last drink,
Drop dead before my influence gets to her head,
She said, "I'll love you forever, or find something better,
It's all just the same as when we sleep together,
We wake up with headaches, and trouble remembering,
What went wrong."

September 14 2009

Time: 5:26PM

Music: The Party Scene - All Time Low

Mood: Content

So, today was a good day. I saw Maty! I haven't seen him in so long. For the first day, he went to Lincoln to try it out, but since it didn't work out, he came back! And he's in my class. That makes me happy :)

Kay, so. Today was also pretty awkward for me, anyways. See, we had to do this fire drill line practice in my homeroom. I was in front because my name starts with an A, then it was Alix, then Karla, and so on and so forth.

But Alix was like CRAZY close to me. Hardly even half a step away. And boy, did his breath smell good. And then he said something that only I could hear. No it was not "I wanna rape you," though I was hearing that in my head. He was super close. Like if I turned to face him, our chests would be touching close. That's pretty damn close.

See, he constantly teases me about something in french, so now, french class is officially my "favourite" class. But I actually had to lean back, he was that close. And he seemed totally okay with it. The closeness, I mean.

So, in the actual fire drill thing practice outside, he was still like dangerously close. So after talking to him for a bit, he went to the back and I started talking with Karla, and she actually thinks he likes me. Which is kinda awkward.

And Conner M. is always asking me about him. Like if I've seen him, or talked to him, or if he was at his locker. But it was the way he said it. Like he knew something. Kinda peculiar, if you ask me.

A couple nights ago I had a dream that some guy raped me, and I was crying at Drew's with Rebecca and Drew. And then I died after a piano fell on me. Kinda a weird dream.

Oh, Erin and Madison got into a huge fight/ And it's completely terrible because they're like really, really close. But now they're not friends. And it's not one of those "Oh, they'll make-up tomorrow" fights. It was one of those fights that just scream "Fuck off. I'm not talking to you."

Now, I have no experience with those types of fights. Because I've never gotten into one that big, but wow. I'm so fucking worried.

She's a super freak, super freak!


Who's seen that commercial? It's fucking orgasmic.

Not to mention, catchy. You gotta love penis enlargement commercials.

God, has anyone noticed that everybody's such a -- excuse my use of the word -- fag in grade six? I mean, even I was one. And it just pisses me off so much. And I have no idea why. It just does.

Kole's hilarious. I love him :]
I gotta go write.
Safe Sex &&Fast Beats
Jess <3<3
