She Looks Good But Her Boyfriend Says She's a Tramp ;

Run run her kiss is a vampire grin.
The moon lights away while she's howlin' at it.
She looks good but her boyfriend says she's a tramp,
she's a tramp,
she's a vamp,
but she still does her dance.
she's a tramp,
she's a vamp,
but she still kills the dance.

January 10 2010

Time: 12:15

Music: Dance In The Dark - Lady GaGa

Mood: Ecstatic,

So, I'd say I'm getting better at this.

It hasn't been a full two months since I've updated, so it's all good.

Update on my weekend; went shopping on Friday, and I saw this guy who looked like Tyson from The All-American Rejects. And as a joke I was licking my ice cream erotically, and he was staring.

That was incredibly embarrassing.

And whalin' white cheddar p[popcorn from Kernals is AMAZING, be tee dubs [btw].

On Saturday I went score keeping at my brother's school and holy SHIT CRAP. There was this guy in the basketball tournament who checked me out like six times. Twice in under ten seconds.

And he was a HOTTIE,

Like, no joke.

He looked kinda like Alex Evans, except he had better longer, and slightly thicker hair, hazel-ish eyes, and he was more muscular then him. Not sickly muscular, that'd be such a turn off.

During half time and while he was waiting for me to call subs, we would be flirting with each other and my new friend Taryn got mad at me, so did my old gym teacher, the coaches, and the refs because I forgot to press the buzzer.

And his coach got mad at him for flirting with the score keeper. Plus his coach was his dad, too.

While his friend -- I'm guessing -- was waiting for us to call subs he told me Nick -- the really hot guy -- kept missing the net because he was distracted by me, and that was incredibly sweet.

When the tournament was over, I was talking to Taryn and he came over, so Taryn left to give us some "alone time" so we could talk, and I was so close to getting his number but then my brother walked in, and so did Brenden and they yelled at the guy, so I smacked both of them, told my brother to fuck off and Brenden to go back to his team.

I was so pissed.

But he winked before he left, so I'm hoping we see each other again. Too bad he goes to some school that I've just learned existed yesterday.

Still, he was downright SEXY.

And today, well today I have to finish my art homework 'cause it's do tomorrow and I'm not even half way done either of the two sketches I have to finish or Ms. Spalding will kick my ass,

I am not kidding, she has a hit list and I'm soon to be on it.

It's just surprising I'm even passing art. Or any of my classes these days, I'm such a procrastinator.

Brain Bumps &&Facebook Stalkers,
I love you all,
