Hey,it's SUPER JESSICA!!!The superest person you'll ever meet!!!!I went to a crazy,but awesome,party last night and it was hectic!!I first had to get a ride from my bestest buddy,bexxies because my dad couldn't drop me off.So when we got there i noticed a flashing light so i was like'Ooh!!Pretty!!'Cuz that's just who i am.But,anywho,we were like the first people there and bourke(the hostest)introduced me and bex to her cousin mika but again not the point.That's just the boring parts.We went upstairs and i met bourke's brother,Taylin i called him what's-his-face because at the time i didn't know his name.So for half the night i said'Hi,what-his-face!!'but again not the point.Soon robbie came and let me tell u,he is the SLOWEST person to pick a game.In 30 minutes he was only at the THIRD game and they had lots.And then noah came so they picked a game together and it was A LOT faster.Then ben came and then matt and his little sister mikayla.She had the cutest bow in her hair.Then erin came.Another one of my bestest buddies.We've known each other since kindergarten.Then sarah came.But yea,anywhos,so us girl's just hung out at the snack table eating candy.If you know my name then ud know i ate a lot of candy.So i wasn't wearing my coustume so when erin came and she wasn't either i was like'Nice coustume,erin'I said that sarcastically and if u know me then ud know i speak it as my second language but she was like'Well,you're not wearing one either'and her mom,lisa,just laughed at us but for some reason people tend to do that.Again not the point so after she said that i was like'Yes i am!!'and she was like'Lemme guess you're....jessica?'and i was like'Good guess!!'So yea.Well,noah and ben wear funny hats so me and erin tag-teamed and decided to steal them.So erin got ben's and ran around wearing it which i couldn't help but laugh at.Then we watched the guys play video games and then bourke said there was candy and i ran down there.I got a handful of candy and went back upstairs.Then taylin was like'Whoever gives me candy gets to play next'So since bexxies wanted to play and i'm just the greatest friend ever i sacraficed my precious candy so she could play.That girl better be thankful for my friendship.But,ya,that was a sad moment for me but besides that i stole erin's seat,bexxies stole taylin's cell phone,blah,blah,blah.Then we all went down to the snack table and hugn out there for a while and then noah was like'Let's go to the porch'so i went with him and i was like'Where is the porch anyways?'and he said that it was upstairs so i followed him and when we got to the porch it was i think like the coolest place in the house and in the 4th floor where the guys were playing video games(Yea,bourke has a HUMUNGOUS house)it was sooooooooooooo hot and i'm claustrafobic so that wasn't a good place for me but yea.So i was in the porch with noah and there was a rocking chair o i was like'OOH!!!A ROCKING CHAIR!!!!'and then i sat in it and started rocking and then we just sat there in awckward silence i didn't know that until noah said awckward cuz i was interested in the rocking chair but yea then erin came and then bexxies then we went back downstairs and back tot he snackies and bourke said'Let's have a pillow fight!!'and ben said in the most girlist voice ever'I wanna have a pillow fight too!!'and he almost made the punch come outta my nose so i hit him for that.So we went got pillows,blah,blah,blah and yea.Then we went back upstairs and played more video games and then bourke was like'Let's go outside'and me being me i was like'Yay!!'and then we went outside with carter and the rest of us.Then there was this mini car and matt pushed carter on it and carter fell over which made me laugh then mika told us there was brownies and pizza inside so all of us bolted threw the door and got brownies.Sarah kept complaining about her heels and that my peeps is the reason i stick with skater being me,clumsy,would fall flat on my face,which i've done,at least 3 times in a row with heels on.So ya,we ate and then went back upstairs and had another pillow fight then lei(i think that's bourke's sister)and her 16+ friends cranked the music and started dancing so we went to the other porch in the living room where all the teens were dancing so then we had to push past them and there was a guy dressed as a girl there.That was VERY disturbing.VERY.But yea,we had a pillow fight on that porch with the music blaring and i gotta say it was good music.But yea then all the teens went into the hallway so we had a pillow fight in the living room.Well,bexxies and noah did.Bexxies pushed noah into a lamp and they almost broke it.But yea,me bourke and erin went outside then bexxies and sarah came and erin told me to push her in the little car so i did and that resulted to her falling over at least 8-10 times.We were laughing our butts off.Then we went back inside,blah,blah,blah.Went onto the porch talked,drank punch and yea.Then we had a big pillow fight in the backyard.Little kids+15 year old kids+pillows=Not so good.Taylin kept wacking us in the heads and he hit my head in the back then the beack of my neck making me feel quezy.If i get a concussion i'm sueing that guy so then after bexxies and carter got hurt bourke's mom told us to go back inside and so we did.Then bexxies turned out okay,carter i'm not so sure about.We went onto the porch and bourke and i were playing with my cell phone(it's a slide so that kept us busy)then we decided to call taylin but he hung up on us then we got some punch went back upstairs and talked then my brother and my mom called so i talked to them but bourke and bexxies wouldn't shut up when i was talking to my mom but luckily erin shut them up so when i was done talking bourke called her mom and asked if she could bring up some chips and she did!!!!Which made us happy.Then while eating the chips me and bourke called erin because erin's ring tune is so coral(look up the word coral in my dictionary if you're wondering if i'm mentally unstable)but yea then bourke changed mine and now it's all pimped out.Then erin's mom came and picked me and erin up and bourke had to bring my cell phone AKA her'baby'to the car so we left then me,erin and lisa(erin's mom)were just talking and i got home at about 10:32pm and i called amby and i talked to her 'till about 12 something am.Then since i couldn't stay awake much longer me and amby got off the phone and i went to bed.So that was my hectic night.It was awesome!!!!Peace to ma homies!!!!!!!
Oh and i forgot to mention earlier that day a guy that bexxies knows asked her if i was hot and he's like 15 or something and then bexxies was like'I don't think it's my place to tell you'and then he was like'Ask her'so when bexxies told me i was like'He wanted you to ask me if i was hot?'So yea,thought that was weird plus from what bexxies says i'm taller then him and i'm 11.Even bexxies is taller then him.So yea,bexxies,when u see him tell him i'm disturbed.Now,i shall say,PEACE TO MA HOMIES!!!!!!!!And ya,bex and amby that's to u.And to all my fans.If i have any.
