RAWR!!!!!Chris is born backwards

Just to let you all know Jess's brother Chris is born backwards and don't belive anything he says cuz' he knows nothing!!!hhahhaah Take that Chris that was not fair putting a pic of jess up on here Dirty but still I was the one who told her how to delete that post HAHHA!!Take that RAWR!!yeah take it from me *nods*Cuz' I rule and sparkle yeah so take that Chris Oh OH!!Plus Jess is awesome and you suck cuz' you don't sparkle!!!!!!Evn though your older you are really immature!!!I'm really just that awesome!!I can read things backwards and drive a go kart and car what can you do?last time I checked nothing XD

Chris you were born as a backward boy with a messed up mind


Random thought:I'm just that freaking awesome!!!
