AHEM!*clears throat*LISTEN UP PEOPLES!! SPARKLES RENEA D. IS MA SISSY! NO QUESTIONS, NO ANSWERS! GOT IT?! GOOD. Now, in other news, today Jessica Iftw A. had chocolate! We are all going to die! Be afraid! Be very afraid! She has threatened to take over the world and fill it with unicorns and rainbows! This has been Steve Allens your evening new reporting. EVERYBODY RUN AWAY!!! This just in, Jessica has made a video and she has let us play it world wide.*big screen appears and you see my face on it with smoke in the background*'Good evening earthlings. It is indeed true that I ate chocolate and it is also true that I will take over the world. Hey, stop the smoke! No, not that button! No,no,no!*smoke blows up everywhere and I start coughing*idiots. Anyways, before that little INTERRUPTION. I was going to say AMBER RENEA D. IS MY SISTER, THAT IS ALL. CARRY ON!!!!'*screen goes blank*
DO NOT QUESTION MY AUTHORITY!!!!!! Like I said, I'm hyper and I had chocolate. I may be crazy but at least I'm happy!!

