Like WOAH!


Well, yes, it is true, I am hyper and energetic today. 'Why?' you may be asking(probably not though). Truthfully, I'm not quite sure either. All I know is I ate a strawberry! And then I got a nasty thought after that. *sigh* That seems to happen a lot. And, yes. I do like bananas, too. And no, I'm not only talking about the fruit. (wink, wink) I forget to mention, I'm a tad pervy today. I don't know why, though. And Bubbles, if you're reading this YOU ARE NOT USELESS! AND U SHOULD NEVER SAY THAT ABOUT YOURSELF!(HA! I almost spelled goat) IF YOU DO I'LL YELL AT YOU IN THE AFTERLIFE AND IF I DIE BEFORE YOU I'LL HAUNT YOU! Although, I might not be the greatest ghost ever. I mean, it's me we're talking about here. I can't even scare a stick! That is sad. Oh! Wanna know something else sad? There's this guy named Griffin who might be transferring to my school and is gonna be in all my classes.(NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) Now, you might be asking why that's so bad, lemme tell you! A) It's Griffin! B) It's Griffin! and C) It's Griffin!
Okay, so truthfully I got nothing. But it's bad! Anywho's it's been said that he's supposedly the hottest guy at his school. Excuse me while I burst out laughing.......................................................... Okay, I'm good.

Not only is that sad but it's HILARIOUS!

Him? Hot?! That school must have some serious issues if girls think Griffin's hot! No offense to Griffin or anything. But if you've actually seen him, he's not that great looking.

Wanna know who is? Christian in grade 8! That's who's hot! Not only is he hot but he's SMOKIN'.

But, ya, that's about it.

- Signed,
