
Hi I hoped u all wished My sissy Jess here a happy birthday as for our story I hope u like it as well as the charaters and I hope u like the couples if u do u can yell at us if sumthing goes wrong u don't like which Might happen alot mostly with Amby and Ryan =-=' anyways look her for Amby and Ryan's children's blogs ask them questions and all u want they'll be happy to answer but its not a everyday update thing well maybe depends on them heres the site check it out once awhile pwease?: http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/randomworldocsrainbows
u can ask for guest poster status and just talk random or ask questions or post ur oc lets try to get Jess here to post the other charaters blogs here too Message her and tell her I'm not sure she'll actully do that but lets ask her too Max and Molly are the ones who most likely will post there alot u might see a few other blogs of the children or the grown ups *nods*like Jazzy Lea Izzy and Valen (Valentine)
