And I Won't Lie, I Wish it Lasted a Life Time

We were careless hearts

Who got caught up in this

I decided to skip the morning of school, and my mother doesn't care one bit! Luckily.

But Erin's making me go to school in the afternoon. I got my straightener semi-working and my hair's semi-straight right now. But I'm sure it'll get wavy later.

Tomorrow I'm going to two dances and then I might be sleeping over at Erin's to celebrate her birthday! So that's three times the fun!

Now, I'm gonna tell you about the Ex!

Well, I went with Drew, Nevada, Megan, and Marden. We went on the Polar Express three times, Niagra Falls three times, Alpine Bobs three times, Pharaoh's Fury twice, I hated that ride so much. It made my stomach drop so badly, but Drew made me go on for a second time.

Marden and I went into this Haunted Mansion, but we got stuck so it was really lame. We went on the Tilta-Whirl twice, The Caterpillar, that thing always gets me pumped up! We also went on the China Dragon, the Fireball, and this ride that we didn't know the name of but made Nevada scream the whole way through. We went on both the Ferris wheels, too.

We also went on these swings that twirl really high, and we were gonna go on the Mega Drop, but we couldn't because we had to leave. And that's all I remember.

Plus, we got asked by these two workers who was better looking, and we all said the one who actually came up to us. Then, Nevada's mom got asked to dinner by this teenager who she bumped into.

It was hilarious!

We also saw Rhea there, and I'm now friend with her little sister! We also saw Ashley M. and Alicia there, too. Trace saw Drew's mom but we didn't see him.

We lost Drew's mom, Megan, and Marden about three times or more, and they lost us about five or six. My hair went all crimped but it still looked sexy. The wonders I can do with my hair on the Polar Express.

Yesterday was the Sportsluncheon and it was really, really boring! And apparently I was supposed to get a certificate for volleyball. I wasn't even in volleyball.

I almost played footsie with this guy named Devin across from me, and he's really tall. Plus he has a clapper, so that makes him cool.

I'm really tired of my room, and my house. I need to get out more, but no, my mom says I go out too much. Pssssssssh!

I'm gonna go watch movies and then get dressed to go to school. I have to give Samantha S. her hug, along with Erin, Melysa, Nevada, and other people.

Peacocks &&Pizza
Jess <3<3
