Someitmes Goodbye is a Second Chance

My eyes are open wide,

By the way, I made it through the day

Yesterday was amazingly erotic.


That's a lie.

The Buchannan dance was shit!

Not the shit, just shit.

Ashley D. went with us and we spent almost half the dance sitting because of her, and she said the rudest thing to Erin this morning, I was this close to jumping her and punching her face in.

Erin was just as pissed the rest of the morning.

Lemme explain what had happened.

We were all getting breakfast ready, and so we were making toast and getting peanut butter and Kraft Dinner, so once me, Madd, Sam, and Ashley are sitting down at the table with our toast and PB Hold The J, we had just started eating and Erin's up and about getting the KD ready.

This is what Ashley says;

First she sighs then she's like, "Oh, no juice?" to Erin.

Who the fuck says that to a girl who's getting your food ready and has been the whole time?!

She's such a priss.

Like really, get off your ass and get it yourself. It's not that fucking hard!


What a bitch.

Then I confront Erin about it later, and she told me she wanted to punch her in the face. She gave me that blank look, and I immediately knew she was pissed. She was completely emotionless the rest of the time I was there.

Anyways, I'm pretty bored.

I love Becca for making me that wallpaper.

I also love noirassasin because she comments on almost every one of my posts.

She's my new BFF.

And, if she's a guy then those were all typos. Meant to put he.


Because I have done that before. Called a guy a girl, I mean. Damn was that awkward.

I'm chewing gum!

But it lost it's flavour so that sorta sucks monkey balls.

I hate Canker Worms. They're so gross!

I'm gonna go write.
Light Bulbs &&Purple Dinosaurs
Jes <3<3
