Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night

Go out and smash it

Like oh my God

Let's do it, do it, do it!

I need a pick me up.

Let's get smashed.

Don't get caught smoking that joint.

Crystal Meth really fucks you up, so don't try it.

You'll get hooked.

My friend showed me what Crystal Meth does to your appearance, like a graphic video. A girl's skin was completely rotten and half of it was missing because of Meth Mites.

It was disgusting.

So, yea. I'm never trying Meth or any other drug, for that matter.

In other news, I'm getting new pants!

Stitches' quality really sucks, two pairs of my skinny jeans ripped and they were both from there.

I'm bored. I wrote a bit, but not enough.

I think I'm gonna go interrogate my dearly beloved brother.

Weasels &&Terminators!
Jess <3<3
