Shake It, Shake It Like You Bouts to Get Paid

A rusted chain with a cross that once was gold,

And I look from a distance as the coffin closes,

And disappears below the roses.

Time: 10:58PM

Mood: Better

Music: Don't Dance - 3OH!3

I ate for the first time today.

It was like an orgasm in my mouth, no I am not exaggerating. It was that good.


I honestly feel like shit and I don't wanna talk to anybody. Me and Becca are sorta in a comfortable silence.


Swagga Like Us

I'm really bored.

Wow. I am pissed off.

He's such a dick.

I just gave A,by a pep talk!

And it worked!

I'm off.
T.N.T &&Dance Teams
Jess <3<3
