I can sense you are not afraid.But your fears are living, breathing creatures. They appear when you are alive or dead.
Welcome to the land of horror and fears. Where beautiful, nightmares takes place. But the most beautiful roses, are the ones with the sharpest thorns you see. Who am I you ask? Well that is not important right now.
This horrible place is those for the outcats and the rejected. Many of you will realize once you come here, you inherited a ability that mankind could never imagine to have. But for that price, you can never leave, ever. For those who are young or bored, we have a special school for you. What I mean by special....well you have to figure that out by yourself.
Whether you live or die is your own option. Just try to keep a low profile for now, in order to get to the next stage.
Luna chan- Eri
Imouto chan-
vdr-07- Leverett
Support KIRA- Eris
xoMiharuChanxo- Kai
Ryochi30- Reona and Ren
GothicLolitaFan- Charlotte
Leverett opened the door but no one was there, he looked to both sides of the corridor and the only thing he could see was a little shadow; he stared at it for a few seconds and then it talked with a weird voice.
"It seems you have your first job, you should hurry and get to the office"
He did as told and found out several students where waiting out; he looked at them and identified the pacient, the kid who asked for directions before. The girl from before tried to explain the situation but she was so nervous she couldn't, the other two kept silence.
Leverett opened the door and took Midoru with him, he placed him in one of the beds and began the procedure
"mmm Well thanks for he one who drugged him, at least he won't feel anything. Now the one who..froze his hand?..can do something about it?" He couldnt believe he wasn't surprised of the fact someone froze his hand; however it seemed the ice got weaker and his questions ended there.
He was a kind person and tried to explain all the procedure to the students so the nerves would end.
" Well it is a deep cut but there isn't any nerves, arteries and tendons involved; there are some damaged muscles but we can handle it. Now I'm going to clean the wound that is already numb because of the ice.." He was doing the procedure in a fast but soft way and ended it by closing the wound and wraping some bandages at the hand.
"its over, but he needs to stay here and you need to return to your classroom or am I wrong? " He said smiling
After the guy in the doorway had made eye contact with me, I quickly turned my eyes back to the spot on the ground. And then I looked up again to see Midoru's hand bleeding. Reona nearly panicked, saying how it was an accident...her hand was shimmering. My eyes went wide as I tried to piece this all together. I almost wondered if he had...but no...I hadn't felt him since we returned to the classroom. And then, the guy who had sat next to me in the classroom came out. He put his hand on Midoru's, and it suddenly felt chilly.
"Just...Just what's going on?" I asked finally. I saw Midoru's hand starting to get frosty. I sighed. "No...that's not going to help...it'll just close the wound." I stated and reached forward with my gloved hand to grab Midoru's wrist. "There has to be an infirmary in this place...he needs the doctor to look at this..." The guy who'd come out looked at me, but released Midoru and I drug him all the way down the hall. Reona and he followed close behind, and we stopped before the room that looked most like an infirmary should.
I knocked on the door and waited.
ROFL!! There...I just tied in all THREE posts!! *evil laughter commences* Yes, we have come to Leverett for help!! Please help!! ROFL!!
As I stared at the gash in my hand, there was suddenly a shadow above me. A hand cupped mine in its, and another hand went over my shoulder. It was freezing cold. I looked up and saw that it was a very tall boy with very pale skin, wearing all black. He had a terribly blank look on his face, and it seemed he was looking elsewhere.
I think Life was right. I did need to come here. But to say exactly what her plans were I wasn't sure, but it seemed these kids were a little different from the "normal" society. I could blend right in. Maybe...
He took the book, grabbed the keys of the office and headed to his new room. The voice from the loudspeaker stopped him for a minute; he thought about returning to the classroom he had seen before in order to gather information but at then end he knew that the information would arrive to him someday.
He kept walking through the corridor, trying to ignore the fact they weren't symetrical; five minutes later he arrived to the door; checked it and found out that the pattern on it was incomplete. A deep sight came from him and then he opened the door. He was pretty surprised to see the room looked almost as the original.
A feeling of relief traveled through all his body adn when he was returning from the bathroom he saw that the thing that were not organized, where at the place where they belonged in fact he saw how the book of Necromancy was floating to the shelf. He didn't mind and headed to take the book, when he did he felt the same cold feeling.
"So it was you after all...well I have to say thanks for organizing, but I prefer to keep this book with me for a while, is that all right?" he asked, then a flying piece of paper landed on the cover of the book with a smiling face on it. Leverett didn't know what he was feeling at that time, he was happy, nervous but at the same time he didn't want to stop to talk to whatever he was talking.
He was interrupted, someone knocked to the door. He wondered who was, after all the stdents were at the classrooms...or not?
"Um, uh, my names Midoru." He said and shook her hand gently.
"Midoru, huh..?" she mumbles to herself. "What a cute name." She smiled. Midoru seemed mezmorized as he held Reona's soft hand in his.
He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his hand. He looked down slowly. Pulling away his hand away, he stared in awe as his hand was covered in blood. There was a big gash a the side of his palm were her fingers were. She stared at her hand. Her fingers seem to shine as if they were polished metal. Eris stared wide-eyed.
"How did you-"
"It was an accident I swear!" Reona shouted.
A tall frame appeared in the doorway. He reached out and cupped Midoru's hand in his. He put his other hand over Midoru's and a cool feeling shot up his arm.
I hope that was as exciting as possible.
And finally Ren appears!!!