I dun want this club to die D8...I luv it. So lets keep on posting alright..even though I should post something myself ^^'
Name: Elle
Age: 14
Hair color: purply blue-black.
Hair style: assymetrical. longer on one side than the other, with trimmed bangs.
Eye color: green/hazel. in the sunlight they turn transluscent.
Appearance: not very skinny. short (about 4'11''). she has little hands, too.
Personality traits: quiet, with a cynical sense of humor. she loves psychological thrillers. she reads alot of manga, too. her family thinks she's a freak.
Quote: I am your friend, I just don't have time for you.
she's a bit of a pyromaniac. (is that the right word for someone who loves exploding things?) ...she loves to watch things blow up.